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    1、经济金融常用英语词汇 Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】经济金融常用英语词汇常见金融英语词汇一览,应该有你需要的部分。financial turmoil/meltdown 金融危机Federal Reserve 美联储real estate 房地产share 股票valuation 股价equity market 股市shareholder 股东macroeconomic 宏观经济saving account 储蓄帐户go under 破产take a nosedive (股市)大跌tumble 下跌big macs,b

    2、ig/large-cap stock,mega-issue 大盘股offering,list 上市bourse 证交所corporate champion 龙头企业Shanghai Exchange 上海证交所pension fund 养老基金mutual fund 共同基金hedge mutual fund 对冲式共同基金underwriter 保险商government bond 政府债券budget 预算deficit 赤字delist 摘牌mongey-loser 亏损企业inventory 存货traded company,trading enterprise 上市公司stakeho

    3、lder 利益相关者transparency 透明度market fundamentalist 市场经济基本规则damage-contral machinery 安全顾问efficient market 有效市场intellectual property 知识产权opportunistic practice 投机行为entrepreneur 企业家cook the book 做假帐regulatory system 监管体系 portfolio 投资组合money-market 短期资本市场capital-market 长期资本市场volatility 波动diversification 多元

    4、化option 期权call option 看涨期权put option 看跌期权merger 并购arbitrage 套利Securities and Exchange Commission 美证券交易委员会dollar standard 美元本位制bad debt 坏帐fiscal stimulus 财政刺激a store of value 保值transaction currency 结算货币forward exchange 期货交易intervention currency 干预货币Treasury bond 财政部公债current-account 经常项目pickup in ric

    5、e 物价上涨Federal Reserve 美联储inflation 通货膨胀deflation 通货紧缩tighter credit 紧缩信贷monetary policy 货币政策foreigh exchange 外汇spot transaction 即期交易forward transaction 远期交易option forward transaction 择期交易swap transaction 调期交易quote 报价settlment and delivery 交割buying rate 买入价selling rate 卖出价spread 差幅contract 合同at par 平

    6、价premium 升水discount 贴水direct quoation method 直接报价法indirect quoation method 间接报价法dividend 股息domestic currency 本币floating rate 浮动利率parent company 母公司credit swap 互惠贷款venture capital 风险资本book value 帐面价值physical capital 实际资本IPO(initial public offering) 新股首发;首次公开发行job machine 就业市场welfare capitalism 福利资本主义

    7、collective market cap 市场资本总值golbal corporation 跨国公司transnational status 跨国优势transfer price 转让价格consolidation 兼并leverage 杠杆file for bankruptcy 申请破产bailout 救助take over 收购buy out 购买(某人的)产权或全部货物falter 摇摇欲坠on the hook 被套住shore up confidence 提振市场信心stave off 挡开, 避开,liquidate assets 资产清算at fire sale prices

    8、超低价sell-off 证券的跌价有关经济的作文:Net Economy(网络经济)People are talking about the new economy Its very They see people face-to-face at their job or in stores. People get information from newspapers, radios, televisions, reference books and the library. In the new economy, people do business through the net, wh

    9、ich is a connection of millions of computers everywhere in the world. In the new economy, workers often work at home. They can get information on-line. They can communicate with employers and co-workers by e-mail. Customers shop on-line. Businesses have virtual stores. They are websites on which cus

    10、tomers can see the products. Businesses can sell to customers anywhere in the world. In the new economy, people live a fast paced, convenient and colorful life. The whole world develops more rapidly than before. But the new economy is a double-edged disadvantage is also obvious. For example, the Int

    11、ernet has led to a huge increase in credit-card cheating. Some illegal websites offer some cheap or banned goods or shoppers who enter their credit-card information may never receive the goods they want to buy and their card informarion could even be for sale on an illegal website. So peopie in the

    12、new economy should be more smart and knowledgeable.不景气 slump (衰退 recession)二板市场 the second board market中国创业板 China Growth Enterprise Market 首次上市 IPOs (initial public offering)市场资本总额 market capitalization 法人股 institutional shares内部股(非上市招股) private company shares 牛市 bull market法律风险 legal risk 风险管理 ris

    13、k management坚持严格的贷款标准 maintain strong underwriting standards六大风险 risks in 6 key areas . Federal Reserve criterion)信用风险 credit risk 供给学派 supply-side economist第一产业(农业) agriculture (primary industry)第二产业(工业) manufacturing industry (secondary industry)第三产业(服务业) service industry (tertiary industry)主要经济指标

    14、 major economic indicators国内生产总值 GDP gross domestic product (商品和劳务币值总和,不包括海外收入支出)国民生产总值 GNP gross national product(商品和劳务币值总和,包括海外收入支出)人均国内生产总值 GDP per capita宏观经济 macro economy 互助基金 mutual fund扩大内需 expand domestic demand改善居民心理预期 inspire the general publics confidence in the future needs鼓励增加即期消费 encou

    15、rage more immediate consumption长期国债 long-term treasury bonds支付国债利息 to service treasury bonds财政赤字和债务 deficits and the national debt按原口径计算 calculate on the base line按不变价格计算 calculate at constant price按可比价格计算 calculate at comparable price列入财政预算支出 listed in the fiscal budget结售汇制度 the system of exchange, settlement and sales经常项目顺差 favorable balance of current account, surplus of current account开办人民币业务 engage in Renminbi (RMB) business出口退税制度 the system of refunding taxes on exported goods


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