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    1、博物馆外文翻译外文文献英文文献博物馆-外文翻译-外文文献-英文文献第一篇:航空博物馆与航空展示公园 巴特罗米耶杰基谢列夫斯基飞翔的概念、场所的精神、老机场的建筑-克拉科夫新航空博物馆理性地吸取了这些元素,并将它们整合到一座建筑当中。Rakowice-Czyzyny机场之前的旧飞机修理库为新建筑的平面和高度设定了模数比例。在此基本形态上进一步发展,如同裁切和折叠一架纸飞机,生成了一座巨大的建筑。其三角形机翼是由混凝土制成,却如同风动螺旋桨一样轻盈。这个机翼宽大通透,向各个方向开敞。它们的形态与组织都是依据内部功能来设计的。机翼部分为3个不平衡的平面,使内外景观在不断变化中形成空间的延续性,并且联

    2、系了建筑内的视觉焦点和室外的展览区。新航空展示公园的设计连接了博物馆的8栋建筑和户外展览区,并与历史体验建立联系。从前的视觉轴线与通道得到尊重,旧的道路得到了完善 ,朝向飞机场和跑道的空间被限定出来。每栋建筑展示了一个主题或是一段飞行史。建筑周围伸展出巨大的平台,为特殊主题的室外展览提供了空间。博物馆容纳了超过150架飞机、引擎、飞行复制品、成套的技术档案和历史图片。这里的特色收藏是飞机起源开始的各种飞行器,如Jatho1903、Grade1909、莱特兄弟1909年的飞机模 型和1911年的鸽式单翼机。The first passage:Museum for aviation and avi

    3、ation exhibition park Bartiomiej Kislelewski The idea of flying, the spirit of place, the structure of the historic airfield the new Museum of Aviation in Krakow takes up these references intellectually and synthesizes them into a building. The old hangars of the former airport Rakowice Czyzyny set

    4、the modular scale for the footprint and the height of the new building. Developed from this basic shape, as if cut out and folded like a paper airplane, a large structure has been generated, with triangular wings made of concrete and yet as light as a wind-vane propeller. The wings are generously gl

    5、azed and open in all directions. Their form and arrangement depend on the interior uses. In the floor plans of the wings, the three offset floor layers generate a spatial continuum of varying insights and outlooks, to focal points within the building and to exhibition areas outside. The design of th

    6、e new aviation park links the eight buildings of the museum and open-air exhibition areas in a joint historical experience. Former view axes and paths are respected, old alleys are completed and spaces towards the airfield and taxiway are defined. Each building exhibits one topic or episode of aviat

    7、ion, with a large base platform extending around it giving spaces for open-air exhibition of the particular themes. The museum contains more than 150 planes, engines, aviation artefacts, sets of technical construction documents and historical pictures. A special feature is the collection of aircraft

    8、 from the beginning of aviation, such as the Jatho 1903, the Grade 1909, a Wright Brothers model from 1909, and the Etrivh Taube from 1911.第二篇: 华沙现代艺术博物馆克里斯蒂安克雷兹此建筑正逐步向综合性展览与多功能空间的方向发展。建筑东侧的画廊空间由街道层开始,就在力求营造艺术的可见性与可及性。展厅容纳的功能定位于更广泛的大众-波兰和国际艺术界的“知名人士”将在这里展示他们的作品。首层空间服务于多种功能-一个大型报告厅和电影院将设置在这里,同时还有一个大型


    10、展厅是建筑物中最重要的元素。这个纯净而寂静的空间将博物馆展现在参观者面前。The third passage:Museum of the history of polishLahdelma MahlamakiAn international architectural competition for the Museum of the History of Polish Jews was organised in spring 2005 .the museum will function as a multifunctional centre for the research and exhi

    11、bition of Jewish heritage, education and culture .the proposal by Lahdelma &Mahlamaki Architects was declared winner in summer 2005. the groundbreaking ceremony of the Museum was held on site in Warsaw the 26th of June,2007 . The building is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2011.The main perm

    12、anent exhibition takes place under the main hall in a large exhibition space of 5000.special built-in milieus will present the different aspects of the history of the Polish Jews .The main task of the exhibition is to present different phases and forms of Jewish culture starting form medieval times

    13、to Present day-the holocaust is only one of the main themes of the exhibition.Warsaw has been one of the most important cities for Jews;before the Second World War there were half a million Jewish inhabitants in the city. The site of the new museum is located in the Willy Brandt Park, one kilometre

    14、from the old city centre of Warsaw, which was rebuilt after the war . The history of the park is tragic as it was part of the Jewish ghetto during the war.Adjacent to the new museum is the memorial of the uprising in the Jewish ghetto the memorial of the uprising in the Jewish ghetto. The memorial h

    15、as been an import element in the architecture of the museum . the proportions of the plaza in front the memorial and the museum have been carefully considered. The shape of the museum building is rectangular .the facades will be covered with glass and copper panels.The name of the building symbolica

    16、lly refers to the architecture of the main hall . the inspiration for the space has been the legends of the hall refer to the universal and abstract phenomena of nature . the main hall is the most important element in the architecture of the building; a pure and silent space introducing the museum to the visitors.第四篇:湖北省博物馆 湖北省博物馆是湖北唯一的省级综合性博物馆,位于江城武汉东湖之滨,主要承担着全省文物的收藏、保管、保护、陈列展览及藏品的研究工作。馆舍占地122亩,建筑面积4万余平方米。馆舍由编钟馆、


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