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    1、 There are many great people in the world. Ask students to name some of great people they know and say who they like best.Step 2 Welcome to the unit:Part B:a guessing gameCan you guess their names1Chinese, the pioneer of Chinas space technology programme2South African, a fighter for the rights of bl

    2、ack Africans all his life3American,createdover1000 inventions4Italian,one of the first Europeans to discover America5Russian, a composer of classical music6English, a great writer of English literaturePartA:Present some pictures of famous people and ask students to guess what these famous people wer

    3、e.a. Present new vocabulary.b. Ask students why they can be famous people and introduce what they did to students.c. Complete “welcome to the unit” in class. Students can work in pairs to complete the exercises.Step3 . Comic strips: a. Play the tape and students listen to the tape to get the main id

    4、ea. b. Students read after the tape twice. c. Ask some questions about the conversationWho does Eddie think is the greatest person in history?Why does Eddie think so?. d. Students read it in pairs and act it out. e. Why do people admire great people? Discuss and take down notes.Homework: Recite the

    5、conversation in the comic.教后反思(红字)第 2 单元第 2 课时教学设计Reading 11. To guess general meanings from keywords and context2. To skim text for overall meanings and scan for detailsStep 1 ackground information:Step 2 Explain the context. Simon is reading an article about a famous astronaut, Neil Armstrong. Ask

    6、 students whether they know when the first man walked on the moon. Also ask them if they know the names of the first two men who walked on the moon. Tell students that they will learn more about men visiting the moon in the reading passage.Step 3 Students listen to the recording for the first three

    7、paragraphs and then read them after the tape again.Step 4 Do True or False questions to check understanding of the first three paragraphs.A Neil Armstrong was born in the 1940s.B He flew in an aero plane when he was six.C The Gemini 8 mission is all about star signs.D Gemini 8 landed in the USA.E Ne

    8、il Armstrong received his student pilots license when he was 15.F Neil Armstrong successfully brought the spacecraft down into the western Pacific Ocean when Gemini 8 was out of control.G Ask students to scan the first three paragraphs and underline the new words. Encourage them to explain the words

    9、 to the class in English.Step5 Language points:a. at the age of =when sb was years oldThe boy could swim at the age of 5. = The boy could swim when he was 5 years old. b. work as He worked as a teacher when he finished school. c order sb (not) to do sth The commander ordered the soldiers to stand in

    10、 line. The doctor ordered me not to work for a long time and have a good rest. d cut sb/sth short The interviewer cut short his guest in mid-sentence. Homework: 1. Recite the paragraphs. 2. Preview the following paragraphs.第 2 单元第 3 课时教学设计Reading 2To identify specific meaning in different contextsTo

    11、 check understanding by answering some questions.To learn some useful expressions and use them in different contextStep 1 RevisionWhen did Neil Armstrong become the first man that walked on the moon?What did Armstrong do when Gemini 8 was out of control? Step 2 Listen to the tape about the following

    12、 four paragraphs and read after recording.Ask and answer to check comprehension:1. Which was the first spacecraft to land on the moon?2. How many people walked on the moon from Apollo11?3. What did Armstrong and Aldrin do on the moon?4. What did astronauts take back to Earth?5. What was the highest

    13、award that Neil Armstrong received?Read the passage again and rearrange the following sentences:(1) Neil Armstrong was born on 5th August 1930.(2) Armstrong received his student pilots licece(3) Armstrong became a naval pilot (4) Gemini 8 went into space (5) Two men walked on the moon for the first

    14、time (6) Apollo 11 returned to Earth(7) Armstrong was awarded the Medal of Freedom Step 3 Language points:1 fly flew flown fly to=gotoby air/planHave a good flight2 she received a gold necklace but she didnt accept it3 serve our country be in service4 choose chose chosenChoose sb to do sth=sb be chosen to do sth5 manage to do sth6 out of control=lose control in/under control7 further help/information/study8 be proud of=take pride in the


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