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    1、贵阳市南明区大理路小学三年级上册英语模拟期末测试无答案2018-2019年贵阳市南明区大理路小学三年级上册英语模拟期末测试无答案班级_ 座号_ 姓名_ 分数_一、我会选一选(选择题)1 Here are your babies. _.AOh, thank you so much BIt is COK2 把正确答语的选项填在括号内。AWow.Its super.BFine,thank you.CMe,too.DSure.( )(1)Look,I have a doll.( )(2)Can I see it?( )(3)Look at my car.( )(4)How are you?3 情景应用

    2、题。(1) 当你想问,那是什么。应该说:_A.whats this? BWhats that?(2) 在本单元学习的能飞的动物是:A.Panda BBird(3)当你看见近处一样东西,想问是什么,应该说:_Awhats this? BWhats that?(4)在本单元中学习的动物中,鼻子很长的动物是:_4 _,Thank you!AYoure right BIm sorry CC Thats OK.5 根据汉 语意思选单词。( )(1)我 A. your B. I( )(2)什么 A. how B. what( )(3)女孩 A. girl B. boy( )(4)红色 A. red B.g

    3、reen( )(5)下午好 A. Good afternoon B. morning6 放学时,你对同学说:_ A.Good night.B.See you.C.Hello.7 你跟苏海道别,可以说:( )AGoodbye, Su Hai. BHello, Su Hai.8 你去商店买东西,营业员会对你说:_A. What do you play? B. Can I help you? C. Goodbye.9 告诉对方这个光盘是给迈克的,可以说:_A. This cd is for Mike. B. This CD is for Mike. C. Its for Tim.10你帮助一位盲人过

    4、马路,他会很感激地对你说:( )AGood. BThank you.11-Whats _ name? -Her name is Jenny.Ayour Bhis Cher12补全单词,选出正确选项。(1)f_ce A. e B. a C. I(2)mou_ A. se B. ce C. ch(3)pe_ A. b B. n C. d(4)w_ite A. k B. m C. h(5)do_ A. y B. g C. j13He is a boy. _ name is Danny.A. He B. His C. Her14Mike对你说“How are you?”你该怎样回答:_A.Im OK.

    5、 B.How are you? C.Nice to meet you.15_ to your eyes. APoint BPointing CPoints二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16看图写数字。( )( )( )( )( )17选出下列图片的首字母18看图, 写序数词。19把下面的单词连成一句话。1. the blackboard clean_.2. the open door_.20写出下列小写字母的大写字母21Look at the woman._ (Hes/Shes)my mother. _ (Hes/Shes)a _ (teacher/ student).22Look at the

    6、 woman._(Hes/Shes)my mother. _(Hes/Shes)a _(teacher/ student).23Fill根据前后意思填空(每格一词)1. _ your name card. Its beautiful.2. _are you? -Very well, thanks.3. _your name on the paper.4. Your pencil is on the floor. _it up.5. Its so cold. Please_ the window.6. Im so cold. I want to_ on the grass.24根据问句选答句。H

    7、ow old are you?_ A. Im 10.Happy birthday!_ B. Sure. Here you are.How are you?_ C. Thank you.Can I have some juice?_ D. Im fine, thank you.Lets eat the cake._ E. Ok. 25Look at the woman._(Hes/Shes)my mother. _(Hes/Shes)a _(teacher/ student). 三、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26对应词对对碰。连线 27请找出下面句子的中文意思,连线。(1)Touch the gr

    8、ound. A 交叉你的脚。(2)I like blue. B 让我们说话。(3)Cross your legs. C 摸地板。(4)Look at me. D 我喜欢蓝色。(5)Lets talk. E 看着我。28英汉对对碰。1. your A六月2. birthday B快乐, 娱乐3. fun C四月4. April D生日5. June E. 你的, 你们的29找出好朋友,然后连起来Good morning. 什么hello 遇见Goodbye. 来meet 再见come 你好name 是what 名字is 你的my 早上好。your 我的30心明眼亮,根据所给单词,选择对应的图片。

    9、(连线)(1) Aspring(2) Bwinter(3) Cgloves(4) Dsunny(5) E. summer(6) F. coat(7) G. sweater(8) H. trousers四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31Happy New Year! (翻译成汉语)_32根据汉语提示填空。1. How _ (老的) are you?2. I am 5_ (年) old.3. This is my_ (兄;弟).4. We have _(6) cards.5. Whats _ (你的) name?33汉译英。1.今天感觉怎么样了?我感觉很好了。_2.你能写字吗?我不能,因为我的手受伤了

    10、。_3.Lily能吃冰激凌吗?不能,她肚子不舒服。_4.你能打扫你的房间吗?_34争做小翻译家(1)Thats my brother._(2)Thats my sister._(3)Thats me._35根据汉语提示写单词。 (1)This is my _ (爸爸). (2)This is my _ (家庭). (3)This is _ (我). (4)She is my _ (妈妈). (5)Are _ (你) Toms brother? 五、我是小法官(判断题)36判断下列对话是否搭配,搭配的打“”,不搭配的打“”。( )1. - How are you,Sarah? - Im five

    11、.( )2. - Happy birthday! - Thank you.( )3. - How old are you? - Im ten.( )4. - This is my brother. - Bye!37判断下列图片与文字内容是否相符,相符画“”,不相符画“”。( ) 1. She is cooking in the kitchen.( ) 2. The chair is in the study.( ) 3. Brother Bear is playing computer games in the living room.( ) 4. These are socks.( ) 5.

    12、 Its a nice coat.( ) 6. The bear is drinking. 38Read and judge (读短文,用“T”或“F”判断)Its Sunday morning. Sandy and Tom are in the park. The sun is big and the clouds are white. There is a kite in the sky. Its flying very high. Look, there is a swing. It is red. What colour is the slide? Is it red? No, its

    13、 yellow. Two tall boys are playing soccer under the green tree. They are very happy. A dog is playing with a blue ball. It is running fast. What a beautiful Sunday morning. Do you like it? ( )(1)It is Sunday morning.( )(2)The kite is flying very high in the sky.( )(3)The slide is red.( )(4)Two fat b

    14、oys are playing soccer on the tree.39选择与图片相对应的句子,在前面的括号内打“”。1.( ) A. Im Amy. ( ) B. Im Lingling. 2.( ) A. I am Daming. ( ) B. I am Sam. 3.( ) A. Hello, Lingling. ( ) B. Byebye.4.( ) A. Goodbye. ( ) B. Im Amy.六、阅读理解40阅读理解。Hello, everyone! Im a little rabbit. My name is Hanhan.Look! Im very lovely. My

    15、 eyes are red. My ears are long. My hair is white. My tail is short. I like carrots very much. I have a good friend. Shes my little master. Her name is Lisa. We always play games together. I like her very much and she likes me, too.根据短文内容选择正确答案。1What is the rabbits name? The rabbits name is _.( )AHa

    16、nhan BHuahua CTom DTommy2What colour are Hanhans eyes?( )Hanhans eyes are _.Ablack Bred Cyellow Dblue3Hanhans tail is _.( )Along Btall Cbig Dshort4Hanhan likes _ very much.( )Acarrots Beggs Cfruits Dhamburgers5Who is Hanhans master?( )Hanhans master is _.AHanhan BTom CLisa DJim41小明是一个表现突出的好孩子,英语课上,张老师发出的指令他都做对了。读一读,根据老师的指令给下列图片排序。Mr Zhang: Stand up, Xiaoming!Point to the door.Point to the window.Point to the desk.Good! Sit down, please.Xiaoming: Thank you, Mr Zhang.( )( )( )( )( )


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