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    1、科技信息检索与论文写作专题讲座检索报告一、课题分析1.1课题名称基于web的风电场设备信息化管理系统1.2 关键词web 风电场 设备 信息管理系统二、检索过程明细1.中文数据库:2.1.1 万方数据资源系统(1).课程名称:基于web的风电场设备信息化管理系统(2).数据库名称:万方数据资源系统(3).检索目的:学习各个数据库的检索方法,进行课题研究现状查询。(4).检索步骤:a)进入万方数据资源系统,进入高级检索。b)跨库检索选择期刊论文、学位论文、会议论文、外文期刊、中外专利、科技成果、图书、专家。时间选择2000年到2016年。c)高级检索第一标题选择题名或关键词、模糊风电场;检索结果

    2、命中5734篇;进一步缩小范围第二标题选择题名或关键词、模糊、管理系统,检索结果命中32篇;再次进行范围缩小,将第一标题与第二标题的模糊全部改为精确检索结果命中31篇;再次进行范围缩小,增加第三标题为题名或关键词、模糊web检索结果命中1条,且为密切相关文献。专家检索检索式为题名或关键词:(风电场)*题名或关键词:(管理系统)*题名或关键词:(web)。检索文献:1赵国群,徐劲松.基于web的风电场监控及信息管理系统的设计与研究.机电工程.CAS 2014年第12期2.1.2 中国知网数据资源系统(1).课程名称:基于web的风电场设备信息化管理系统(2).数据库名称:cnki中国知网(3).

    3、检索目的:学习各个数据库的检索方法,进行课题研究现状查询。(4).检索步骤:a)进入cnki中国知网,进入高级检索。b)跨库检索选择期刊、博士、硕士、国内会议、国际会议、专利、学术辑刊。时间选择2000年1月1日到今天(2016年1月10日)。c)高级检索选择主题风电场模糊,检索结果显示12970篇;第二标题选择主题管理系统模糊,检索结果显示527篇;将第一标题和第二标题条件中的模糊改为精确。检索结果显示118篇;增加第三标题为主题超web模糊,检索结果显示10篇;其中其中密切相关文献篇数3篇,一般相关文献篇数5篇,不相关文献篇数2篇。专家检索检索式为SU=风电场AND SU=管理系统 AND

    4、 SU=web。检索文献:1赵国群,徐劲松.基于Web的风电场监控及信息管理系统的设计与研究.机电工程.2014-12-202常晓坤.千万千瓦级风电场实时监测平台升压站综自监测信息管理系统的研究.天津理工大学.2011-01-013伍孟轩,魏春梅,刘慧敏.风电场运行维护管理系统的设计与开发.湖北工业大学学报.2015-02-15 4王新颖.基于本体的风电场监控信息和通信服务的形式化描述.华北电力大学(河北).2007-12-20硕士5梁涛,袁正彬,梅春晓,孙国峰.风电场群远程集中监控系统设计及智能化管理.自动化与仪表.2015-11-15 6李鹏.风电场发电功率预测数据管理系统开发.华北电力大

    5、学(河北).2009-12-28硕士7杨胜义基于IEC61400-25的风电场集成监控模型设计.兰州理工大学.2013-09-26 8方连航.基于SSH2架构的分布式多智能体风电场监测系统.广东工业大学.2013-06-01 9陈国旗.风电场集控中心综合管理平台远程监控系统的设计与实现.吉林大学.2015-06-01 10毕猛.基于GPRS无线网络的风电机组远程监控系统的研究.沈阳工业大学.2011-01-072.1.3 中国知网和万方数据资源系统检索结果的比较:在两个检索引擎中,中国知网的检索篇数比万方的篇数多了很多,并且密切相关的篇数也是比较多的。因此,知网的准确性还是比较高的。比较后发现

    6、,两个搜索引擎搜索结果中相同的篇数还是有一定数量的。2.1.4 维普数据库(1).课程名称:基于web的风电场设备信息化管理系统(2).数据库名称:维普数据库(3).检索目的:进行课题研究现状查询。(4).检索步骤:a)进入维普资讯,进入高级检索。b)第一标题选择题名或关键词风电场时间选择在2000年到2016年。期刊范围是全部期刊。检索结果为6139篇。c)第二标题选择题名或关键词管理系统时间选择2000年到2016年。期刊范围是全部期刊。检索结果为23篇。d)第三标题选择题名或关键词超超临界时间选择2000年到2016年。期刊范围是全部期刊。检索结果为1篇,与内容密切相关。检索文献:1赵国

    7、群,徐劲松.基于web的风电场监控及信息管理系统的设计与研究.机电工程.CAS 2014年第12期2.外文数据库2.中文数据库:2.2.1 SCI数据库(1).课程名称:The wind power plant equipment information management system based on web.(2).检索目的:学习各个数据库的检索方法,进行课题研究现状查询。(3).检索步骤:a)进入SCI数据库检索界面,进入检索界面。b)跨库检索选择全部数据库。时间选择2000年到2016年。c)高级检索第一标题选择主题,搜索关键词是wind power plant;检索结果命中442

    8、0篇;进一步缩小范围第二标题选择主题,搜索关键词是management system;两者关系为AND检索结果命中311篇;继续缩小范围第三标题选择主题,搜索关键词是web;三者关系为AND,搜索结果为2篇。其中密切相关文献篇数1篇,一般相关文献篇数1篇。1Li Zhongyuan,Duan BinYang,Wei.Implementation and Application of Mapping between IEC61400-25 of Wind Farm and Web Services.Advanced Materials Research卷: 383-390页: 4336-4340

    9、.出版年: 20122Liu Nian,Zhang Jianhua,Liu Wenxia.A security mechanism of web services-based communication for wind power plants.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY卷: 23期: 4页:1930-1938.出版年:OCT 20082.2.2 EI检索数据库(1).课程名称:The wind power plant equipment information management system based on web.(2).检索目的:学习各

    10、个数据库的检索方法,进行课题研究现状查询。(3).检索步骤:a)进入EI数据库检索界面,进入快速检索界面。b)跨库检索选择全部数据库。时间选择2000年到2016。c)高级检索第一标题选择Subject/Title/Abstract,搜索关键词是wind power plant;检索结果命中29618篇;d)进一步缩小范围第二标题选择Subject/Title/Abstract,搜索关键词是management system;两者关系为AND检索结果命中2418篇;e)进一步缩小范围,将第三标题改为选择Subject/Title/Abstract,搜索关键词是web;两者关系为AND检索结果命

    11、中36篇;其中密切相关文献篇数9篇,一般相关文献篇数15篇,不相关文献篇数12篇。检索文献:1.Zhu,Yong-Li;Wang,Xin-Ying;Cheng,Dong-Ling.Ontology-based research on wind power plant information interaction.Proceedings-1st International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, WKDD, p 169-172.20082. Yanbo Jia .Design and Implementation of

    12、Wind Farms Power Prediction Web System. Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 385-386, p 1066-9.20133. Zhongyuan Li ; Bin Duan; Wei Yang ;Implementation and application of mapping between IEC61400-25 of wind farm and web services. Advanced Materials Research, v 383-390, p 4336-40.20114. Zhao Guo-qun ;

    13、Xv Jing-song .Research and design of the Web-based wind farm scads and information management system. Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, v 31, n 12, p 1623-8, Dec. 20145. Bao Da-en ;Operation monitoring and production management system for regional wind farms. Electric Power, v 46, n 4,

    14、 p 79-82, 92,.April 20136. Shigeo, M.; Takahiro, Y.; Kazuhiko, M .Community Energy Management System to Connect Utility Customers Using Web Service Technologies. Toshiba Leading Innovation, v 66, n 12, p 12-15.20117. Myrent, N.J; Kusnick, J.F.; Adams, D.E.; Griffith, D.T.Pitch Error and Shear Web Di

    15、sbond Detection on Wind Turbine Blades for Offshore Structural Health and Prognostics Management.54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, p 17 pp. 20148 Kornfein, M.M.An Integration Framework for Process Automation of Wind Plant Siting. World Congress on

    16、 Engineering and Computer Science 2012 (WCECS 2012). Proceedings, p 1322-5.20129 Fonseca, I.Wind maintenance system using network synchronization techniques based on open-source software.Proceedings of the 5th IASME WSEAS International Conference on Recent Advances in Energy & Environment (EE 2010),

    17、 p 69-75, 201010. Li, Zhongyuan ; Duan, Bin; Yang, Wei .Implementation and application of mapping between IEC61400-25 of wind farm and Web services. Advanced Materials Research, v 383-390, p 4336-4340, 201211 Jeongje Park; Kyeonghee Cho; Taeho Song; Jaeseok Choi; Mitra, J.; Shahidehpour, M.Web based

    18、 online realtime information system for reliability of electrical energy supply including WTG. 2010 IEEE 11th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), p 509-13, 201012 Farinha, T.; Barbosa, M.A computer system for predictive maintenance of wind generators.1

    19、2th WSEAS International Conference on Computers, p 928-33, 200813.A system for real-time delivery of wind farm production forecasts Vineel, G.C. (GE Global Res., General Electr., Bangalore, India); Sarkar, A. Source: 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, p 1933-7, 200714 Segaw

    20、a, Hisashi; Shimizu, Yukimaru.Integrating efects of wind power stations into regional benefits planning. European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2009, EWEC 2009, v 6, p 3622-3631, 2009, European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2009, EWEC 200915.2015 International Conference on Futuristi

    21、c Trends on Computational Analysis and Knowledge Management (ABLAZE). Proceedings. No source available, 558 pp, 201516. Chang Wen-Yao; Liao Tsai-Chang; Lin Chia-Hung; Cho Ming-Yuan; Li Tsai-Fu; Lan Jung-Chin; Yang Chi-Hsun; Chang Yin-Chan; Huang Chi-Ming; Chang Chin-Wen; Chiang Ching-Chuan; Fang Chi

    22、h-Hsien Development and implementation of remote supervisory control system for weather and salt fog pollution of transmission line. Monthly Journal of Taipowers Engineering, v 778, p 10-26, June 201317. Xiangjun Li ; Dong Hui; Liang Zhang ;Real-time control and monitoring technologies used for mult

    23、i-type energy storage laboratory in Zhangbei. 2nd IET Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2013), p 2.B68 (6 pp.), 201318.29th NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application.No source available, xliii+729 pp, 200919.2013 International Conference on Tec

    24、hnological Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (TAEECE 2013).No source available, 611 pp, 201320. Del Grosso, A.; Lanata, F.The role of monitoring in the management of uncertainties and residual life of existing structures. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on

    25、Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management - Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle Performance and Cost, p 353-354, 200621 Fenn, B. Hopp, O.; Ahner, M.; Buchholz, B.M.; Buehner, V.; Doss, A.; Hess, N.; Wagner, W.; Styczynski, Z.A.Advanced technologies of demand side integration by VPPs a

    26、nd through smart metering in households - Experiences from a lighthouse project. 44th International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems 2012, 201222.2013 3rd International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, ICPES 2013.Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 492, 2014, Power and Energy

    27、Systems III23. Taylor, C.M ; Smith, B.; Stein, D.The role of MarineCadastre.gov in offshore energy planning.OCEANS 2012, p 6 pp., 201224 Agarwal, Vivek. Lybeck, Nancy J.; Pham, Binh T.; Rusaw, Richard; Bickford, Randall .Implementation of remaining useful lifetime transformer models in the fleet-wid

    28、e prognostics and health management suite. 9th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human-Machine Interface Technologies, NPIC and HMIT 2015, v 1, p 616-625, 2015, 9th25.2014 International Conference on Energy Research and Power Engineering, ERPE 2014. Advance

    29、d Materials Research, v 986-987, 201426. Amyot, N. Development of a Generator Prognostic Tool.Source: 2013 31st IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC 2013), p 473-6, 201327. Amyot, Normand ; Hudon, Claude; Lvesque, Mlanie; Blec, Mario; Brabant, France; Frenette, Franois-Xavier .A new prognostic

    30、 approach for hydro-generator stator windings.Source: PHM 2013 - Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2013, p 486-491, 201328 Berral, Josep L. Goiri, Inigo; Nguyen, Thu D.; Gavalda, Ricard; Torres, Jordi; Bianchini, Ricardo.Building green cloud servic

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