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    高考英语 考前30天之备战 专题四 任务型阅读 第一节 任务型阅读解题方法突破 要点导学学案.docx

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    高考英语 考前30天之备战 专题四 任务型阅读 第一节 任务型阅读解题方法突破 要点导学学案.docx

    1、高考英语 考前30天之备战 专题四 任务型阅读 第一节 任务型阅读解题方法突破 要点导学学案专题四 任务型阅读 第一节 任务型阅读解题方法突破【题型诠析】江苏高考考纲中提供两种主要示例:图表和树状结构。图表结构的行文方式常通采用对比推进式;树状结构行文多采用先总后分式。设空类型主要分为信息获取题、信息转换题和信息归纳题种。1. 信息获取题考查捕捉信息能力,属基础题。 考生解题时注意信息对应,确保在相应段落查找到所需词汇即可。2. 信息转换题考查组织信息能力,属活用题。考生一方面除了对号入座外还需要根据表格提示对原文中找到的信息作相关转化,以便符合表格中的语法结构或固定搭配。3. 信息归纳题考查

    2、综合概括信息能力,属概括题。 这类题目对文章全文或相关段落归纳的词汇平时必须做一定积累。【解题策略指导】任务型阅读不同于普通阅读材料,在解题时考生要掌握一定的技巧才能是既快又好地完成这项集阅读、完形、词汇于一体的任务。1.在通读全文前有必要浏览题目及所给图表。好处一:文章的标题能够帮助考生把握文章的主旨大意,进而便于理解文章的篇章结构。好处二:文章后的表格是命题人在仔细分析并理解文章后对文章框架的整理。考生根据表格所设空格去思考,则在阅读时更有针对性,从而确保准确性。2. 分析图表类型。任务型阅读图表设置主要分两种: 树状型(先总后分);表格型(对比推进)。 根据所给表格判断文章类型及文章结构

    3、,从而保证在信息提示下在段落里查找、推断所需答案。3. 浏览题中所设空格,判断设空填词的类型,做到心中数。4. 做题时一般按照自上而下,从左到右的顺序完成。原则上对文章结构概括的词汇可以优先考虑,方便细节题的正确把握。如果遇到障碍,则先易后难,重点突破。为提高准确率,完成题目后考生还需注意以下几点:1. 根据图表所给提示格式保持所填词性一致性(以名词、动词、非谓语或完整句子等不同形式归纳);2. 同时兼顾到意思和搭配的双重准确性;3. 所填单词是否特殊变形;4. 大小写是否规范等。(1)What characteristics do all popular people share? Do t

    4、hey all wear the same clothes? Have the same hair? Say the same things? Of course not. There are popular people all over the world, enjoying their social status at school, work, and wherever they go. They dont all look or act like each otherbut they do all share one very crucial characteristic: peop

    5、le skills. Maybe they were born with them, or maybe they learned them from their family; however they got them, they have them, and maybe you feel like you dont. Heres how to develop your people skills and start being the popular kid!Be willing to step out of your comfort zone. If youre not popular,

    6、 its because youre not comfortable doing the things that popular people tend to domaking conversation, cracking jokes, flirting, and in general, engaging people. You might be introspective, shy, or quiet, but in order to get what you want, you need to change how you interact with people. At first, t

    7、hat might feel like youre being shallow or fake, but remember that being yourself is, at its core, all about knowing what you truly want out of life. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to be on good terms with most people (which is what popularity really is). To be popular, youre going to need to tak

    8、e a few chances (on a social level) that normally feel uncomfortable (perhaps terrifying) to you. So be prepared to be bold.Be friendly. Popular people are on friendly terms with pretty much everyonenot only their peers, but also the teachers, the supervisors, the grocery store clerk, the janitor, t

    9、he parents, the kids, and generally anyone whos even the tiniest bit nice. (The only people theyre not friends with are the ones who are practically impossible to get along with.) Theyre on good enough terms that they can hold a short, friendly conversation with anyone in the room. Theres no reason

    10、you cant do that, too.Give a helping hand. Popular people dont just know everyonetheyre on good terms with everyone. They establish those terms by helping people out, and they dont do it in particularly noticeable ways. They do little things to establish rapport (in addition to some big things, like

    11、 volunteering). They offer someone a pencil when they need it. They close the neighbors gate when it opens after a strong wind. They hold the door open and wait for the person behind them. But most often, they listen to people when they talk, and they offer to help somehow. If you truly empathize wi

    12、th people, youll want things to work out for them. If theres nothing you can do to help then, at the very least, let them know that youre praying for them.【整体把握】1. 文章属于什么体裁?2. 文章每段主题句的位置什么特点?3. 根据首段过渡句,可以看出文章从几个方面论述文章主题的?【尝试解答】请同学们先做练习,后看详解,效果会更好哦!试试看!【例题详解】本题为议论文体,论述了如何成为受别人欢迎的人。此题采用树状图表,络清晰,层次分明。1

    13、. common信息转换题。第一段第一句中的share the same characteristics转换为have something in common。2. develop/acquire/learn信息查找题。根据第一段最后一句Here s how to develop your people skills and start being the popular kid! 可直接查找。因为和skills搭配的动词很多,故答案不唯一。3. friendly信息查找题。根据第段第一句Be friendly.可直接查找。4. way信息转换题。根据第二段第句you need to chan

    14、ge how you interact with people.可得出答案。5. prepared信息查找题。根据第二段最后一句So be prepared to be bold. 可直接查找。6. comfortable信息转换题。根据第二段倒数第二句To be popular, you re going to need to take a few chances (on a social level) that normally feel uncomfortable (perhaps terrifying) to you.可知。由uncomfortable得出反义词。7. relation

    15、ship信息转换题。根据第段第二句中的be on friendly terms with 可得出答案。8. kinds/sorts/types信息归纳题。第段第二句提到与各种人相处。9. including信息转换题。第四段最后六句话建议替别人做各种力所能及的事情,包括以下几种情况。故得出答案。10. hoping/wishing信息转换题。根据第四段最后一句中的pray for them可得出hope the best for them。(2)For years, the automobile industry has been testing vehicles that use hydro

    16、gen as fuel. Now, people across the United States have had a chance to see and even drive cars that get power from hydrogen fuel cells.Todays fuel cells represent huge steps forward in technology. But the hydrogen fuel cell is not a new idea. The fuel cell was invented by Sir William Grove of Britai

    17、n in eighteen thirty nine. Since then, many different designs have been invented.There is one place where fuel cells are a proven technology: in space. The American space agency used fuel cells in its Apollo spaceships in the twentieth century. And fuel cells provide all the electrical power for spa

    18、ce shuttles.The most useful fuel cell for transportation purposes is the Polymer Electrolyte Membrane, or P.E.M., fuel cell. It is simple and can operate at temperatures of sixty to eighty degrees Celsius. That is much lower than other fuel cell designs.A P.E.M. fuel cell has two sides separated by

    19、a thin substance or membrane. Hydrogen gas is forced through one side where it comes in contact with a reactive material containing the metal platinum.The membrane separates the electrons(电子) from the protons(质子) in the hydrogen atoms(原子). The protons pass through it to the other side of the fuel ce

    20、ll. But the electrons are captured to do work: like powering a motor.Oxygen from the air is forced into the other side of the fuel cell. There, the gas meets the protons that have passed through the membrane. They combine to form water and heat.A single fuel cell does not produce a lot of electricit

    21、y. But when many fuel cells are combined, they can produce enough electricity to power a vehicle. The product of the chemical reaction that powers fuel cells is water. This makes fuel cells a very clean technology.But fuel cell cars have been slow to develop because of many technical problems that h

    22、ave to be solved. For example, it is unclear how long the membranes in P.E.M. fuel cells will last.Also, fuel cells need water for their chemical reactions. They must be designed to start easily in low temperatures and in dry climates. And smaller, less costly fuel cells must be designed before they

    23、 can truly take the place of gasoline engines.There are more models of fuel cell vehicles being tested than ever before. The threat of climate change and the high cost of oil has increased interest in these vehicles that do not cause pollution. But car buyers should not expect to see fuel cell cars

    24、at their local dealer any time soon. Automakers say they will not build many fuel cell cars until hydrogen fueling and service stations are widely available. And that will cost billions of dollars and years of effort.【整体把握】1. 文章属于什么体裁?2. 作者照什么线索组织全文的?TitleMore Model of Hydrogen Cars Being TestedThe

    25、(1) _ of hydrogen fuel cell (2) _ by Sir William Grove in 1839. Used in Apollo spaceships in the twentieth century. Used for transportation purposes. Operating principle of P.E.M It has two sides divided by a thin membrane. Hydrogen gas from one side (3) _ the active metal platinum. The electrons ar

    26、e (4) _ from the protons in the hydrogen atoms. The protons pass through the fuel cell to the other side. Oxygen from the air is (5) _ into the other side of the fuel cell. The gas meets the protons, and then water and heat are (6) _.Reasons for slow (7) _ of hydrogen fuel cell cars There are many t

    27、echnical problems (8) _. The durability of the membranes in P.E.M. fuel cells is not clear. They have to start easily at (9) _ temperatures and in dry climates. They must smaller and less costly before (10) _ gasoline engines.【尝试解答】请同学们先做练习,后看详解,效果会更好哦!试试看!【例题详解】本文介绍了新型汽车燃料电池的发展和应用及研发的前景,是一篇简洁明了的说明文

    28、。1. progress/development/application信息归纳题。文章第二、四段介绍了新型汽车燃料电池的发明、进展及具体不同时期的应用。所以progress,development或application都可以满足本空。2. Invented信息查找题。根据第二段第句The fuel cell was invented by Sir William Grove of Britain in eighteen thirty nine.可直接查找。3. meets信息转换题。根据第五段第二句中的 it comes in contact with 可得出答案meets。4. sepa

    29、rated信息转换题。根据第六段第一句The membrane separates the electrons(电子) from the protons(质子) in the hydrogen atoms(原子).可知。注意把separates 改为被动形式。5. forced信息查找题。根据第七段第一句Oxygen from the air is forced into the other side of the fuel cell. 可直接查找。6. formed信息转换题。根据第七段最后一句They combine to form water and heat.可知。注意应改为被动结构。7. development信息归纳题。文章第九至十一段分析了氢燃料电池汽车发展缓慢的原因。8. unsolved信息转换题。根据第九段第一句中的many technical problems that have to be solved可得出反义词unsolved。9. low信息查找题。根据第十段第二句They must be designed to start easily in low temperatures and in dry climates. 可直接查找。10. replacing信息转换题。第十段最后一句中take the place of 相当于replace。


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