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    1、雅思写作讲义强化段张赞A. 雅思写作基本概况Task 1: 图表题 (曲线图,表格,柱状图,饼状图,流程图,地图)Task 2: 辩论型题目+说明型题目20 minutes+40 minutes150 words+250 words9*40%+9*60%=final scoreB. 雅思写作评分标准TR-Task Response 任务完成程度a. Address all parts of the task (content) 内容切题b. Present a clear position (position) 立场明确c. Present, extend and support main i

    2、deas (organization) 组织缜密CC-Coherence & Cohesion 衔接与整合程度a. Logically organize ideas 论证富于逻辑b. Use a range of cohesive devices 衔接方式多样LC-Lexical Resource 词汇丰富程度a. The accuracy of vocabulary 词汇的准确性b. The variety of vocabulary 词汇的多样性GRA-Grammatical Range & Accuracy 语法多样及准确程度a.语法的准确性 (参看雅思写作常见语法错误):主谓不一致,动

    3、词连用,介词使用错误,词性使用错误等。雅思写作常见语法错误1. 非谓语动词使用错误1-1. Eat too much is bad for peoples health. 1-2. He thinks that hold a positive attitude toward life and keep working hard is crucial.1-3. The government authority spends financial resources on arts will take some risks. 1-4. Scientific urban planning facili

    4、tates alleviate traffic congestion. 1-5. The proportion of aged people in USA was increase to 18% in the year 2008. 1-6. The figure of Asian language students raised to the highest point was 150.2. 主谓搭配错误(主谓不一致)2-1. The development of cultural and educational industries are important for improving p

    5、eoples living standard. 2-2. The quality of public services attract attentions from the general public. 2-3. Spending time and money on these projects are necessary. 2-4. How you respond to these problems show your attitude. 3. 词性使用错误3-1. Education is benefit for economic development. 3-2.Government

    6、s have already realized the important of developing public transportation. 3-3. We are faced with many social problems, such as poor, unemploy and environment pollute. 4. 介词使用错误4-1. Individuals are seeking solutions for these problems.4-2. Governments devote efforts for improving peoples quality of

    7、life. 4-3. Some people persist on this standpoint. 5. 连词使用错误5-1. Despite mobile phones bring benefits to human beings, but they also cause inconvenience. 5-2. Because there are lots of images of violence are displayed on TV programs, thus more young people become aggressive. 6. 名词单复数使用错误6-1. Some in

    8、dividual hold that international news should be included into the subjects of middle schools.6-2. The datas exhibit that the proportion of aged population in China is increasing nowadays. b.语法的多样性b-1状语b-1-1现在分词作状语表示伴随状态:1.Parents are of obligations to impart children with fundamental social values,

    9、including respecting seniors and obeying rules. (which include)2.Knowledge acquired from educational institutions is academic rather than practical, rendering young graduates become less competitive in labor market. (which renders)3.The images of disaster shown on TV programs may immerse individuals

    10、 in depression and frustration, deteriorating peoples psychological and mental fitness. (which/all of which deteriorate)4.Government expenditure for infrastructure supplies a considerable number of job positions, leading to the enlargement of employment channels. (which lead to)b-1-2现在分词作状语表示原因:1.Ad

    11、opting the tax-cut policy to encourage enterprises to hire young graduates, the government authority enlarges employment channels. 比较: Because the government authority adopts the tax-cut policy to encourage enterprises to hire young graduates, it enlarges employment channels.b-1-3 现在分词作作状语表示时间:Finis

    12、hing his studying abroad, he or she will have more opportunities for his or her future career. 比较: When one finishes his studying abroad, he or she will have more opportunities for his or her future career. b-1-4 过去分词作状语表示背景或者情况:Promoted by government expenditure, the public transportation gains a s

    13、ignificant development. 比较: Under the condition of being promoted by government expenditure, the public transportation gains a significant development. b-1-5 过去分词作状语表示原因:Built up in suburban area, it has much less exposure to air pollution. 比较: Because it is built up in suburban area, it has much le

    14、ss exposure to air pollution. b-1-6 过去分词作状语表示条件:Banned smoking totally, more serious problems such as unemployment will arise. 比较: If smoking is totally banned, more serious problems such as unemployment will arise.b-2 定语b-2-1介宾短语作定语:1.He has a job on full-time basis. 2.They decide to set up the mee

    15、ting some time between seven and nine.3.Deterred by the harsh punishments, individuals with intentions to break the laws are inclined to straighten up and lead respectable lives. b-2-2介词前置的定语从句:1. 定语从句中含有介词词组的需要benefit from (by)In kindergartens, there are many educational facilities, from which chil

    16、dren can benefit. graduate fromExperience is a school from which you will never graduate.be interested inThe dilemma of efficiency and equality is a topic in which politicians are interested. 2. 定语从句句意的需要I hit upon an article, in which some people hold that students should wear uniforms every day. L

    17、iberty is an indispensable principle derived from the French Revolution, by which the civilization is evolved. Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. b-2-3其它定语表示法:关系到经济发展的教育事业受到政府的高度关注。1.过去分词作定语Educational industry associated with economic development receives governments a

    18、ttentions. 2.现在分词作定语Educational industry associating with economic development receives governments attentions. 3.动词不定式作定语Educational industry to associate with economic development receives governments attentions. b-2-4定语表示法综合运用:1. 过去分词作定语+从句作定语Knowledge acquired from educational institutions is ac

    19、ademic rather than practical oriented, which renders young graduates become less competitive in labor market. 2. 现在分词作定语+从句作定语 (介词前置的定语从句)The policies including cutting taxes and granting subsidies for those enterprises who hire youths contribute to providing incentives for employers, by which emplo

    20、yment channels can be expanded. 3. 介宾短语作定语+动词不定式作定语The lack of formulation of laws to regulate the contents of media leads to the inappropriate images. 4. 动词不定式作定语+从句作定语+介宾短语作定语+过去分词作定语People can obtain information with regard to employment opportunity via recruitment advertisings to be posted by em

    21、ployers, which not only facilitate enlarging employment, but also reduce the risk of mismatch between the skills offered by people and the skills needed by industry. b-3倒装b-3-1.部分倒装Hardly, only if, under no circumstances, only in this way, b-3-2全部倒装With 或者along with 置于句首With globalization have come

    22、many problems. There be结构There are bloody and violent contents in the Internet. b-3-3表语前置Fascinating as computers utilized in education seem, teachers roles are more imperative. Task-1 范文流程图 C8 (p.78)The first diagram illustrates the process in which cement is produced, while the second diagram exhi

    23、bits the procedure and component of the production of concrete. It can be seen from the charts that a variety of equipments are applied in the production process. As indicated in the first graph, the first stage of producing cement is making powder by crushing limestone and clay. The powder is furth

    24、er processed through mixer and heated by rotating heater. Once this processing cycle is completed, the powder is grinded to cement, which is packed into bags. According to the second graph, the concrete-making process requires four types of ingredients, each of which has distinct proportion. To be s

    25、pecific, the proportion of cement, water, sand and gravel accounts for 15%, 10%, 25% and 50% respectively. By a rotating process from a concrete mixer, the ingredients are mixed to make concrete. Overall, the diagrams reveal the production process of cement and concrete, which needs various equipmen

    26、ts and meticulous proportioning. 表格 The following two tables show the figures of language students in a private college and a public college in America. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 150 words. T

    27、able-1: The number of language students in a private college of AmericaAsiaAfricaEuropeMiddle EastSouth America20011903884795620023455611298872003512102187122197Total1047196381299340Table-2: The number of language students in a public college of America AsiaAfricaEuropeMiddle EastSouth America200158

    28、6981286200286231783212420031564520756156Total30074483100366 The two tables make a comparison among five different regions in terms of the figures of language students in American colleges from 2001 to 2003. They exhibit that the figures vary widely from region to region. According to the first table

    29、, in the private college, the figure of Asian language students was of the highest value, accounting for 1047. By contrast, the smallest number of those who study language in USA occurred in Africa, which amounted to 196. The table further demonstrates that the number of South American students incr

    30、eased with the highest rate, which was from 56 in the year 2001 to 197 in 2003. However, the amount of students from Middle East rose the most slowly with the growth rate of less than 100%. As indicated in the second table, in the public college, the largest amount of students emerged in Europe, whi

    31、ch peaked at 483. In contrary, the figure of African students was at the lowest point, reaching only 74, in spite of the fact that the number raised the most rapidly with the increase rate of more than 7 times. Equally important, the figure of students from South America rose with the lowest rate at less than 200%. From the above figures, it is safe to draw the conclusion that public schools and private schools in the U.S. attract language students with a variety of backgrounds. 柱状图 C5 (p.52) The first bar chart makes a comparison among five age gro


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