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    1、天津农学院大二下英语考试范围大学英语综合教程4复习提纲 范围:Unit1,2,3,5,9一、听录音补全句子(10分)1、He was educated at the local comprehensive. (综合学校,综合的)2、The medicine and rest will soon heal (使愈合,治愈) your wound.3、We have been by the legal team to proceed(继续进行) cautiously.4、How soon do you have to pay off the loan.(借款,贷款)5、The highlight(

    2、最精彩的部分) of the trip was visiting the great wall of china.6、The woman denied that she had neglected(疏于照顾) her child.7、The judge is strong advocate(拥护者,提倡者) of prison reform.8、The lawyer cited(提出,举出) a previous case to support his argument.9、We need to confront(正视,处理,面对) these problems before its too

    3、late.10、The dow jones index(指数) fell another 50 points yesterday.11、As a newspaper reporter I am committed to honesty(诚实,坦率) and accuracy.12、Disabled people succeed in overcoming many obstacles(障碍,阻碍) in everyday life.13、He is one of the most influential(有影响力的) figures in the government.14、They suff

    4、ered huge losses in the financial crisis(危机).15、The study of science has enriched(充实,使丰富) all our lives.16、Construction costs for the bridge could exceed(超过,超出) 230million.17、A lamp was suspended(吊,悬,挂) from the ceiling.18、I felt as though the other woman were excluding(排斥) me.19、We sympathized(同情,体

    5、谅) deeply with the families of the victims.20、In large classes, children feel that they cannot interact(相互交流,互动) with the teacher properly.21、The government is determined to tackle(应付,处理) inflation。22、He fell overboard and nearly drowned(淹死,溺死).23、The stockholder bought shares in the company and adv

    6、ised his clients to do likewise(同样的,照样的).24、Official engagements(约见,约定) take up about 50 per cent of his time.25、Teaching is a very demanding (要求高的) profession.26、They hoped their work would induce(引起,促使,导致) social change.27、This latest collection lacks style and originality(独创性,新颖).28、How could you

    7、 turn down(拒绝) such a good job?29、I wonder that surprises await(将降临到。身上) us today.30、The odds(机会,可能) of getting hit by a falling satellite are very small.31、They could not withstand(对付,应对) the attack of those soldiers.32、The sea is visible(可见的) from my hotel room.33、Remember to take all your persona

    8、l belongings(所有物,财产) when you leave the plane.34、Their religion forbids them to drink or gamble(打赌,赌博).35、I ripped(撕,扯) my jeans on a sharp nail.36、I hardly have time to think those days, let alone(更不用说) relax.37、The tide(潮流,倾向) of public opinion is moving towards tighter planning controls.38、He has

    9、 the habit of wearing formal(正式场合穿的) clothes, even when he is not at work.39、The government will establish a waste water disposal(清除,处理) centre within three years.40、The new technology will dictate(影响,控制) peoples lives profoundly in the future.41、This infectious disease was eliminated(消除) decades ag

    10、o.42、The principal(主要的) aim of the projects is to provide an answer to this question.43、You gave him your phone number? Thats a dumb(笨的) thing to do.44、It was criticized as a disgraceful(糟糕的,可耻的) waste of money.45、Students spent their evenings in the library revising(复习) for the exam.46、I will retai

    11、n(记住) a lasting memory of our friendship.47、The motive(缘由,动机) for the attack is still unknown.48、There is an ongoing(进行中的) debate on the issue.49、It took me several hours to fill out(填写,填充) the application form.50、He quoted(引证,举例) his own experiences in India.51、There is scarcely(几乎不,几乎没有) any traff

    12、ic at this time of the day.52、His fathers health was undermined(逐步削弱) by drink.53、Only half of the women in the country are liberate(有读写能力的).54、I dont know why she is hostile(不友善的) to me.55、Their first album was titled(把.称为) Ocean Drive.56、Stop trying to duck(回避) the issue who paid you for this?57、W

    13、e had to concede(承认) that the sales promotion was not as successful as expected. 58、We use the hall for multiple(涉及许多人的,多部分的) purposes.59、We have to take into account all possible factors that may stand in the way(妨碍,阻挡) of reform.60、The dove in the picture is a representation(象征,表示,描绘) of peace.61、

    14、English learners sometimes find verb tense hard to manipulate(操作,控制,使用).62、The following examples illustrate(说明,阐明) how we carry out market surveys.63、To achieve proficiency(熟练,精通) in a foreign language takes time and persistence.64、Dont worry. We have sufficient(足够的,充足的) time to prepare.65、The aim

    15、was to create an impression of party unity(统一,一致,团结).二、听力(20分)略三、单选(来自网课)Unit31. Throughout history, many people have attempted to find the _ secret to success, but relatively few have actually done it. a. elusive b. evasive c. illusory d. eloquent 2. It was hard for Cynthia to remain uninvolved wit

    16、h the controversy since she is such a _ part of the company. a. visibility b. risible c. visible d. visibly 3. Officer Clarke, in the best interest of the case, please consider absolutely everything to be at your _. a. dispose b. disposal c. disposing d. disposed 4. The mountain climbers demonstrate

    17、d a(n) _ feat of selflessness when they turned around to help an injured stranger. a. advantageous b. gorgeous c. outrageous d. courageous5. Many movie stars are notorious for wearing excessive amounts of expensive _. a. jewellery b. jewels c. jewelers d. jewelling 6. Her novel successfully _ an ent

    18、ire generation of young women to believe they could be whatever they wanted. a. emboldened b. embittered c. empowered d. embroidered 7. Im not really a _ of pop culture trends, so can you explain that reference to me? a. flower b. follower c. fellow d. fallowing 8. We just moved into town so were st

    19、ill a little _. a. unsettling b. settlers c. settled d. unsettled 9. The movie is fantastic, but youll need to _ your disbelief toward the end. a. upend b. suspend c. depend d. misspend 10. Dont _ Jacks determination to do whatever it takes to win. a. underestimate b. overestimate c. estimate d. mis

    20、estimate 11. As judge, I _ over this courtroom and have the final say on all matters. a. preside b. reside c. presume d. resume 12. Please stay back! This is a _ area! a. constricted b. districted c. restricted d. unrestricted 13. The moon shone down and cast a _ glow over the entire field. a. lumin

    21、osity b. luminous c. luminal d. luminously 14. The state dinner is a _ affair, so please dress appropriately. a. distinctive b. respectable c. dramatic d. formal 15. Stock prices rose _ after the company publically announced its new product. a. dramatically b. magically c. loosely d. exclusively 16.

    22、 The colonists began to form a _ in response to the unfair taxes. a. rebel b. rebellion c. rebellious d. rebelling 17. After striking the iceberg, the ship quickly sank into the _ depths. a. skinny b. preppy c. murky d. baggy 18. Im not a good typist, so I find it easier to _ all of my emails. a. di

    23、ctate b. elucidate c. explicate d. exacerbate 19. To accommodate increased traffic, city planners are going to expand the _of the highway. a. length b. height c. depth d. width 20. Lets be proactive and do something instead of just watching the situation _. a. ameliorate b. collaborate c. deteriorat

    24、e d. elaborate Unit 511. Even if I dont win the award, its still an honor to be a(n) _. a. applicant b. champion c. nominee d. spectator 12. I see parents of twins and triplets and I cant imagine having _ children at once. a. multiply b. double c. individual d. multiple 13. Im one of two vice-presid

    25、ents, and my _ at the other office will be your main point of contact. a. counterpart b. supervisor c. subordinate d. employee 14. Always be kind is the _ rule I expect my employees to live by. a. principle b. principal c. standard d. irrelevant 15. His time in office was marked by _ affairs and con

    26、troversy. a. highbrow b. unemotional c. scandalous d. unintended 16. I became a partner in the law firm, _ increasing my salary considerably. a. thereby b. hereby c. standby d. passerby 17. Choosing not to hire someone based on their race or sex is a textbook example of _. a. Discriminate b. discrim

    27、ination c. discriminatory d. discriminator 18. Tony gets _ if he drinks too much, and hes liable to hurt someone. a. peaceful b. hostile c. ambivalent d. apathetic 19. What was the suspects _ to kill Gene? a. motivate b. motivator c. motivation d. motive 20. After all these years, I still _ that it

    28、wasnt my fault. a. portend b. attend c. contend d. pretend Unit 91. Its impossible for anyone to have complete _ and know everything. a. conscience b. prescience c. science d. omniscience 2. The odds are good that his team will be _ during the first round of the competition. a. preliminary b. elimin

    29、ated c. relegated d. delineated 3. After some research, I discovered that Im actually a(n) _ of Napoleon! a. ascendant b. transcendent c. resplendent d. descendant 4. English lost its _ long ago, and it now incorporates many words from other languages. a. purity b. pure c. parity d. prurient 5. Mari

    30、o was _ at the top of his class every year. a. consistent b. persistent c. consistently d. persistently 6. The speaker was utterly _, and I hung on his every word for the entire two-hour speech. a. disgraceful b. captivating c. unqualified d. sufficient 7. Millions of years ago, dinosaurs ruled the

    31、earth with uncontested _. a. dominance b. dominant c. dominants d. dominate 8. If you want to apply for a new passport, you cannot _ your old one. a. refrain b. remain c. retrain d. retain 9. That new movie about the princess is a _ based on the traditional Cinderella story. a. variant b. variation c. varying d. variety 10. Her performance on the field today is not a fair _ of her skill a


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