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    1、Chapter 1 Basic concepts,要求深刻理解与熟练掌握的重点内容有:1.理想元件与电路模型概念,线性与非线性的概念。2.电压、电流及其参考方向的概念。3.电阻元件、电感元件、电容元件,电压源、电流源和受控源的伏安关系及功率的计算。4.基尔霍夫电流定律和基尔霍夫电压定律。要求一般理解与掌握的内容有:5.时变与非时变的概念。难点:参考方向,受控源,功率计算。,1-1 Introduction,1-2 Basic Concepts and System of Units,1-3 Charge and Current,1.4 Voltage,1.5 Power and Energy,

    2、1-6 Circuit Elements,1-9 Summary and Review,1-1 Introduction,instrumentation,仪表,topology,拓扑,The schematic diagram,the International System of Units(SI),国际单位制,the General Conference on Weights and Measures,国际计量大会,原理图,1.Terms,electron,电子,proton,质子,neutron,an external electromotive force(emf),外电动势,pote

    3、ntial difference,电位差,instantaneous power,瞬时功率,中子,First,a real-world problem is identified;second,the problem is modeled;third,the model is analyzed;and fourth,the results are applied to the original physical problem.,2.Why start with circuit theory?,The solution of an engineering problem normally pr

    4、oceeds:,1-2 Basic Concepts and System of Units,1.2.1 System of Units,1.2.2 Basic Concepts,An electric circuit is an interconnection of electrical elements.,Active elements:capable of generating energy,such as generators,batteries etc.,Passive elements:resistors,capacitors and inductors,Ideal circuit

    5、 elements:理想电路元件Lumped parameter elements 集中参数元件Ideal independent source 理想电源元件Ideal load 理想负载元件Ideal coupling elements 理想耦合元件Lumped parameter elements&distributed elements 集中参数与分布参数,Charge is an electrical property atomic particles of which matter consists,measured in coulombs(C),An electron e=-1.6

    6、021019CIn 1 C of charge,there are1/(1.60210-19)=6.241018 electrons 3.The law of conservation of charge,Note,1-3Charge and Current1.3.1Charge 电荷,Electric current is the time rate of change of charge,measured in amperes(A).,1A=1C/1s(秒)1kA=1000A,1mA=10-3A,1A=10-6A,1nA=109A,1.3.2 Current 电流:,An alternat

    7、ive current(ac)is a current that varies sinusoidally with time.时变电流,Andre-Marie Ampere(1775-1836)安培,A direct current(dc)is a current that remains constant with time.直流电流,To specify the current in a conductor,we need both a reference direction and numerical value,which can be positive or negative.,I

    8、0 实际方向与参考方向相同I0 实际方向与参考方向相反,1.3.3 Current reference directions 电流的参考方向,Voltage(or potential difference)is the energy required to move a unit charge through an element,measured in volts(V).Uab=W/qV,kV,mV,V,Alessandro Antonio Volta(1745-1827)伏特,1.4Voltage1.4.1 Voltage of Potential 电位,Potential referen

    9、ce polarity电位的参考极性(零电位点)参考点:,Let Ub=0,Ua=U,Uab=U=Ua-Ub,point a is at a potential of Uab volts higher than point b.,1.4.2 Voltage 电压,Voltage reference directions,Keep in mind that electric current is always through an element and that electric voltage is always across the element or between two point

    10、s.,Check Your UnderstandingWhat the difference between Uab and U?,Uab=U=US+RI Uab=-Uba=U U=USRI,Power is the time rate of expending or absorbing energy,measured in watts(W).,Instantaneous power,1.5 Power and Energy,In dc circuit:P=IU,Power unit:W,kW,1MW106W,When the current enters through the positi

    11、ve terminal of an element,p=+ui.If the current enters through the negative terminal,p=-ui.,p0 Power absorbP0 Power supply,According to law of conservation of energy,we have,In a source set,the current reference direction is directed out of the+polarity marking(or the first subscript)of the voltage.I

    12、n a load set,the current reference direction is directed into the+polarity marking(or the first subscript)of the voltage reference direction.,from EQ(1-1),the energy absorbing or supplied by an element from time t0 to t is,Unit is joules(J),1Wh=3600J,Example:The electron beam in a TV picture tube ca

    13、rries 1015 electrons per second.As a design engineer,determine the voltage U0 needed to accelerate the electron beam to achieve 4W.Solution:,1-6 Circuit Elements,(Chapter 6),Passive elements(无源元件),Active elements(有源元件),Resistors电阻,Inductors电感,Capacitors电容,Independent source 独立电源,dependent source 受控源

    14、,Voltage source 电压源,current source 电流源,CCCSCCVS VCVSVCCS,Summary:,1.Current,2.Voltage,3.Potential,4.Power,2.P0 absorb or expend power(吸收功率)P0 supply power(发出功率),Emphasis重点,1.current and voltage reference direction,An ideal independent source is an active element that provides a specified voltage or

    15、current that is completely independent of other circuit variable.,1.6.1 Ideal Independent Sources,1、理想电压源 Ideal Voltage Source,The ideal voltage source maintains its prescribed voltage,independent of its output current.General symbol for a voltage source,graphical characteristic of a dc voltage sour

    16、ce:,the current is determined by the load(负载)U=0,Short circuit,maintains its voltage,The ideal current source produces its prescribed current,independent of its output voltage.General symbol of a current source,2、独立电流源 Ideal Current Source,graphical characteristic of a dc current source,maintains it

    17、s current,the voltage is determined by the load(负载),An ideal dependent(or controlled)source is an active element in which the source quantity is controlled by another voltage or current.,1.6.2、受控电源 CONTROLLED SOURCES,CCCS:A current-controlled current source:current gain,dimensionless,VCCS:A voltage-

    18、controlled current sourceg:transconductance(S),VCVS:A voltage-controlled voltage source:voltage gain,dimensionless,CCVS:A current-controlled voltage source:r:transresistance(),Example:R1=1,R2=2,R3=3,=3,US3=3V.Find open-circuit voltage U22(开路电压),Solution:22开路:Io=0,Io=0,,1.6.3电阻、电感、电容元件Resistors,Induc

    19、tors and Capacitors,一、电阻元件 Resistors,R=,开路/断路Open circuit:a circuit element with resistance approaching infinity.RR=0,短路Short circuit:a circuit element with resistance approaching zero.R0,Ohms law states that the voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the current flowing through the r

    20、esistor.,u(t)=Ri(t)U=RI,I=GU,Georg Simon Ohm(1787-1845),欧姆,P=UI=RI2=U2/R=GU2,Check Your Understanding Uab=?Uad=?Uac=?Ucd=?,Ua-R1I1+E1=Ub;Uab=R1I1-E1;Uad=R1I1-E1-R3I3-E3;Uac=R1I1-E1+E2-R2I2;Ucd=R2I2-E2-R3I3-E3;,二、电感器 Inductors,(t)=Li(t)-(Wb)(韦伯)L-(H)亨利I-(A)(安培),graphical characteristic(Wb-A),The volt

    21、age-current characteristics of an inductor,The energy stored in the inductor:,三、电容器 Capacitors,Circuit-theory definition of a capacitor:q(t)=Cu(t),C-法拉(F),1F=10-6F,1pF=10-12Fq-库仑(C)V-伏特(V),Michael Faraday(1791-1867),法拉弟,线性电容,(C-V 曲线),The energy stored in the capacitor:,The voltage-current characteri

    22、stics of an capacitor:,小结,Ideal Current Source(IS,iS)(1)Current 不随 Load 变化而变化。(2)Voltage 随 Load 变化而变化。,2.Ideal Voltage Source(IS,iS)(1)Voltage 不随 Load 变化而变化。(2)Current 随 Load 变化而变化。,3.Controlled sourses 受控电源,4.Resistor Ohms law,5.Inductor,6.Capacitor,1.9 Summary,An electric circuit consists of elect

    23、rical elements connected together.The International System of Units(SI)is the international measurement language,which enables engineers to communicate their results.From the six principal units,the units of other physical quantities can be derived.Current is the rate of charge flow.Voltage is the e

    24、nergy required to move 1C of charge through an element.,5.Power is the energy supplied or absorbed per unit time.It is also the product of voltage and current.,6.According to the passive sign convention,power assumes a positive sign when the current enters the positive polarity of the voltage across

    25、 an element.,7.An ideal voltage source produces a specific potential difference across its terminals regardless of what is connected to it.An ideal current source produces a specific current through its terminals regardless of what is connected to it.,8.Voltage and current sources can be dependent or independent.A dependent source is one whose value depends on some other circuit variable.,9.Two areas of application of the concepts covered in this chapter are the TV picture tube and electricity billing procedure.,


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