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    学年度第一学期期中考试试题 八年级英语.docx

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    学年度第一学期期中考试试题 八年级英语.docx

    1、学年度第一学期期中考试试题 八年级英语 2018-2019学年度第一学期期中考试试题 八年级英语.单项选择:本题共有10个小题,请从每个小题的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。21. -Icantstand_thisboringshowanymore!-Metoo!Iexpect_amoreinterestingonetomorrow.A.watching;seeing B.towatch;seeing C.watching; to see D.towatch;tosee22.Maryshareseverything_herfriendsandnever_themwhentheymakemista

    2、kes.A.with;laughs B.for;laughsat C.for;laughs D.with;laughsat23.Weneedtodosomeresearchto_theanswer.A.lookout B.findout C.handout D.take out24.SarahandJuneareboth_girls,andJuneis_ofthetwo.A.friendly;friendlierB.friendlier;friendlyC.friendly;thefriendlierD.thefriendly;friendlie25.As oneof_citiesinChin

    3、a,Xianisfamous_itslonghistoryandrichculture.A.theoldest;as B.old;for C.old;as D.theoldest,for26.Itsagoodhabitto_beforeyoustarttodoanything.A.makeacall B.makeaplan C.makealiving D.make a face27.-CanyoucatchwhatIsaid?-Sorry,I can_understanditbecauseyouspeakveryquickly.A.almost B.mostly C.always D.hard

    4、ly28.Hefailedtheexam_hewasnothard-working,not_hisbadluck.A.because;because B.because of; because C.because;because of D.because of;because of 29.-Hello,Mary!Didyougo_onvacation?-Yes,and Imet_duringmytrip.A.anywhererelaxing;anybodyinteresting B.relaxinganywhere;somebodyinterestingC.anywhererelaxing:s

    5、omebodyinterestingD.relaxinganywhere;anybodyinteresting30.-Would you mind if I sit here? -_.Its for Miss Zhang.A.Betternot B.Nevermind C.Notatall D.Of course not.完形填空(共20小题)第一节:阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项,使短文连贯完整。(共10小题)Oneafternoon,mysonAdamaskedme,“Areallpeoplethesameevenif(即使)th

    6、eyaredifferentin colors?Itwas 31 seriousquestion.Ithoughtfor awhile,andthensaid, “Illexplain(解释) it sooner.Letsgotoafruitshop.Ihavesomethingtoshowyou.Atthefruitshop,wegotsomeapplesin differentcolors -red,greenandyellow.Afterwegothome,ItoldAdam,“Its time 32 your question.”Iputoneappleofeachcoloronthe

    7、table.Adamwatched 33 .Hehad asurprisedlook on hisface.“Peoplearelikeapples. 34 comeinalldifferentcolors,shapesandsizes.On theouside,someoftheapplesmaynotevenlookas 35 astheothers.”WhileIwastalkingAdamwas checking 36 onecarefully.ThenItookalltheapplesandpeeled(剥皮)them,placingthembackon thetable,butin

    8、adifferentplace. “Okay,Adam,tellmewhichiswhich.”He said “ I 37 tell.They all lookthesamenow.” “Takeabite (咬) and see 38 ththelpsyoudecidewhichoneiswhich”He tookbigbites,andthenahugesmilecameacrosshisface. “People are 39 likeapples!Theyare all different,butonceyoutakeofftheoutside,theyreprettymuchthe

    9、sameinside.He totally 40 everything.Ididntneedtosayordoanythingelse.31.A./ B.an C. a D.the32.A.answer B.answered C.answerings D.toanswer33.A.close B.closed C.closely D.closing34.A.Them B.Their C.They D.Theirs35.A.delicious B.moredelicious C.deliciously D.mostdelicious36.A.both. B.each C. or D.either

    10、37.A.mustnt B.shouldnt C.cant D.neednt38.A.how B.if C.what. D.why39.A.just B.hardly C.only D.never40.A.wasunderstanding B.understands C.understood D.haveunderstood第二节:阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。(共10小题) Once, there were two fishermen who lived in a village. They knew 41 to fish very w

    11、ell. They went to a lake to fish. One of them 42 fishing alone and often sat by the lake on his own for a long time, while 43 was an outgoing person and he loved to make friends with others, The outgoing fisherman saw that some other people at the lake were not catching any fish. I will teach you ho

    12、w to fish, He said to them. “If you catch ten fish, give me one. If you dont get ten, you neednt give me anything. Both sides 44 . After he finished teaching one group of people,he went to another group, and also taught them some fishing skills. He still asked that for every ten fish caught, they sh

    13、ould give him 45 back. At the end of the day, the fisherman kindly helped others and his basket was 46 of fish and also got to know a large group of new friends. At the same time,he was pleased 47 a teacher. 48 ,the other fisherman didnt have much fun. After fishing for a whole day, he looked into t

    14、he fish basket, and found he had a lot 49 fish than his friend. What a 50 they made! You share one and may have ten later.41.A.what B. how C. why D. where42.A.seemed like B. looked like C. felt like D. was like43.A.other B. the other C. anothere D. others44.A.agreed B. wanted C. expected D. asked45.

    15、A.it B. some C. one D. ten46.A.enough B. full C. empty D. filled47.A.for B. as C.to D. than48.A.In a word B. Afer all C. At first D. On the other hand49.A.less B. more C. fewer D. smaller50.A.difficulty B. service C. culture D. difference.阅读理解(共20小题)第一节:阅读下面一篇短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“A”表示,不符合的用“B”表示。(

    16、共5小题) A Did you ever bring your phone to school? It doesnt seem bad to take a quick look at a phone message or an email in class. But a new study has found this can make students get lower grades in exams.In the study, researchers (研究者) studied 118 students. These students took the same couse. They

    17、also had the same teacher and used the same textbooks. They couldnt use their digital devices (数码设备)in half of their class. But they could use them in the ther half. Researchers found that using digital devices made students get lower scores in the final exam. Students dd worse in what they learned

    18、on device days. Whats more, when some students used digital devices in class, even those not using their phones or computers got worse grades. Researchers say there are manly two reasons for the resuls.First,students hardly ask questions when they are using their phones or computers. They talk less

    19、with their classmates and teachers. Second, even if a student doesnt want to look at the screen, he just cant help it.So remember to turn off your phone in class. This is good not only for you, but also for the whole class.51. In the study, 118 students took the same course, had the same teacher and

    20、 used the same textbooks.52. In the study, students cant use any digital devices in the whole class.53. Those not using their phones or computers got better grades on device days.54. When using phones or computers in class, students talk more with their classmates and teachers.55. The study shows th

    21、at using digital devices in class can make not only you but also the whole class get worse grades.第二节:阅读B,C,D,E四篇短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。(共15小题) BOneday,abusinessman wasgettingreadytogotohisofficeinthemorning.Whenheopenedthe doorofhiscar,adogsleepingunderhiscarsuddenlycameoutandbit(咬)

    22、hisleg!Hewasangryand threwarockatthedog.Afterreachinghisoffice,thebusinessmancalledameetingofhismanagers.Duringthemeeting,hetookouthisangeronhismanagers.Theywereupsetaboutthis,andtookouttheir ownangerontheworkersworkingunderthem.Thebusinessmanwasstillangryafterreturninghome.Hiswifeopenedthedoor.Shea

    23、skedhim,“Whyareyousolatetoday?Themanshoutedathiswife,Ididntgototheofficetoplaysoccer.Iwenttowork.Sodontaskmestupidquestions!Hiswifewassad becauseheshoutedatherfornoreason.Sheturnedherangerontheirson.HewaswatchingTV. Thisis allyoudo.Youhavenointerestinstudying!TurnofftheTVnow!”Thesonbecameupsetaswell

    24、.He walkedoutofhishouseandsawadogpassingby.Hepickeduparockandthrewitatthedog.Thedog ranaway,barkinginpain(疼).Sometimes,whenweareangryaboutsomething,wemighttakeoutourangercnothers.Its meaningless.Weshouldlearntocontrol(控制)ouranger.56.Whatmadethebusinessmanangryinthemorning? A.Hewenttohisofficeearly.

    25、B.Adogbithim. C.Adoggotinhiscar. DHecouldntcatchhisdog57.Themanshoutedathiswifebecause_. A.hewastiredafterworkingthewholeday B.hiswifeaskedastupidquestionC.hewasntabletosolvesomeproblemsatwork D.hewasstillangry58.Whatsthemainideaofthepassage?A.Dontbeangrywithadog. B.Bitebackif adogbitesyouC.Donttake

    26、outyourangeronothers. D.Dontaskstupidquestions CNowadays,therearemoreandmoreTVtalentshows.TheyareverypopularalloverChina. However,theremustbesomethingperfect,somethingcommonandsomethingpoor.Allofthem have mthngnmmn:thtutr(导师)kuthrghtnthtththnkrrndllnt.Thesetalentshowsgiveeveryoneanopportunitytoshowo

    27、ftheirtalents.Forsomeluckypeople,thesetalentshowsmaymakethemfamous,andcanevenmakethemrich.However,therearealsomany badsides.First,someyoungpeoplejustimitate(模仿)theirfavoritestars.Theymayforgetahouttbeir ownstyles.Second,youngpeoplespendtoomuchtimeontheseTVshows.Theyalwaysdreamofbeing stars.Sotheyspendlesstimeontheirstudies.Inmyopinion,youngpeoplecangetsocialexperiencebytakingpartintheseshows.Butthey shouldknowthatthechanceofbecomingfamousisverysmallformostpeople.Theyshouldknow whatsmoreimporlantforthemistheirschoolwork.Inshort,youcandowhatyoulike,but


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