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    新课标高考届高三英语总复习 课时作业47 含答案.docx

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    新课标高考届高三英语总复习 课时作业47 含答案.docx

    1、新课标高考届高三英语总复习 课时作业47 含答案课时作业47.阅读理解(2017湖南省衡阳市第八中学月考)The National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC has thousands of objects on display, including the 1903 Wright Flyer, Charles Lindberghs Spirit of St. Louis, the Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia, and a lunar rock you can touch. In addition to

    2、 our exhibition galleries, you may want to visit the Albert Einstein Planetarium, Lockheed Martin IMAX Theater, and the Public Observatory on the east end. There are many things to do at the Museum in DC. We offer daily tours and educational activities for both children and adults. We also have sche

    3、duled lectures and events throughout the year.Hours and Admission:Open every day except December 25. Admission is free.Regular Hours:10:00 am. to 5:30 pm.Extended Hours: 10:00 am. to 7:30 pm.December 2630,2014 March 30April 20, 2015Fridays and Saturdays, April 24May 16,2015May 17September 7, 2015 VI

    4、SITING TIPS:Limit the number of bags: All visitors are screened through metal detectors upon entry. The fewer items you bring inside the Museum, the faster your entry. Before you visit, please review the list of prohibited items,which include pocket knives and tripods(三脚架). Visitors carrying prohibi

    5、ted items will not be allowed inside the Museum, so please leave them at home or in your car.No Food or Drink: Only bottled water is permitted in the Museum. You may only consume food and other drinks in the Food Court, not in the Museum. Groups who bring food are encouraged to picnic on the Nationa

    6、l Mall.Please Take Photos: You are welcome to take photos for personal use. However, tripods and monopods(单脚架)are not permitted without approval.First Aid:The Museum has a First Aid office and a nurse on duty. Please contact the nearest security officer or the Welcome Center for assistance.Visit the

    7、 Welcome Center: At our Welcome Center in the South Lobby, staff and volunteers can answer any questions you have during your visit.Open:10:00 am. to 5:30 pm.Phone:2026332214Email:NASMvisitorservicesi.edu1According to the passage, the National Air and Space Museum is a museum _.Awhere only adults ca

    8、n take part in some educational activitiesBeveryone can pay a visit to without buying ticketsCwhere one can touch anything he likes Deveryone can visit without time limits all the year round2A visitor to the Museum can _.Aeat and drink in the Museum or in the Food CourtBtake photos with tripods for

    9、personal use Cbring fewer bags to go through metal detectorsDget some medical treatment if he suddenly falls ill3The purpose of this passage is to _.Amake an advertisement for the museumBattract people to explore the universe Cencourage adults to bring their children thereDshow what is on display in

    10、 the museum答案与解析本文是一篇航空航天博物馆的广告.向游客介绍了入馆参观的相关注意事项.基本上每个注意事项都涉及到了.1B事实细节题.题意为“根据本文的叙述,下面哪一项符合国家航空航天博物馆的相关规定?” A意为“在这里,只有成年游客才能参加一些教育类的活动”.B.意为“任何人都可以进去参观,不用买门票”.C.意为“在该博物馆里,人们可以触摸任何他喜欢的东西”.D.意为“一年到头,任何人都可以不受时间限制地来博物馆参观”.根据文中的“Admission is free.”可知,门票是免费的.故答案为B.2D事实细节题.题意为“入馆参观者能做以下四项活动中哪一项?”A.为可以在博物馆

    11、里面吃东西;B.为可以带摄影用的三脚架入馆;C.为将数量极少的包带进博物馆.根据文意,这三项都是不允许的.D.为参观者如果突然病倒,可以获得医疗救助.根据“The Museum has a First Aid office and a nurse on duty.”可知,这是符合文意的.故答案为D.3A主旨大意题.题意为“本文的写作目的是什么?”.A.为给博物馆做广告;B.为吸引人们探索宇宙;C.为鼓励成年人把孩子们带到那里去.D.为展现博物馆里展出的东西.由本文的内容可以看出,是为了给博物馆做广告.故答案为A.完形填空(2017哈师大附中月考)John graduated from a ke

    12、y university and he was very good at his major. He wished to find a good job. One day, he went to a company to _1_ for a job. He got the news in a newspaper. He did some research on this company. When he was _2_, everything went well. The manager asked him some questions and he answered them _3_. Jo

    13、hn was very satisfied with his performances and was very _4_ that he could get the job. But at that moment, the managers phone _5_. He picked up the phone, listened and nodded. And then he turned around and said to John, “Sorry, I want to get some important _6_ now. Please give me the book with the

    14、red _7_ on that desk.” John looked around and found 3 books on the desk, so John went to the desk, took one book and handed it to him _8_. Holding the book, the manager _9_ the phone and said, “Sorry, we cannot give the job to you.” John was _10_ and wondered why. The manager said, “There are three

    15、_11_. First, when you came into the office room, I found that the third button on your shirt had been missing. Second, there are three books with red covers on that desk, but you didnt ask me which one I needed and you took one _12_. Third, I was answering the call. You should _13_ to the desk to sa

    16、ve time. These _14_ showed you are not a careful person.” Therefore, John didnt get the job.We can learn a(n) _15_ from Johns experience. Some people dont _16_ the details in our life. But it is the details that _17_. Not only should we value what we learn but also we should pay more attention to th

    17、e details. Sometimes they can even _18_ our success or failure. We should form the habit of being careful and learn to keep the _19_ of quantity and quality. We should keep it in mind that _20_ comes first, without which quantity is of no significance.1A.apply BvoteCprepare Dwait2A.contacted Binterv

    18、iewedCasked Dquestioned3A.immediately BslowlyCgenerally Dfluently4A.grateful BexcitedCconfident Dlucky5A.lost BcalledCrang Danswered6A.arrangement BresponseCinformation Dinsight7A.cover BpictureCcharacter Dmark8A.eagerly BpolitelyCpurposely Dquickly9A.searched for Bpicked upCheld on Dhung up10A.surp

    19、rised BhelplessCdisappointed Dworried11A.methods BresultsCcollections Dreasons12A.randomly BeventuallyCregularly Dcertainly13A.rush BrunCwalk Dmove14A.parts BfactsCdetails Dstories15A.subject BideaCskill Dlesson16A.mind BmentionCignore Dprovide17A.trouble BcountCinterest Dimpress18A.describe Breplac

    20、eCvalue Ddetermine19A.selection BimportanceCbalance Dcompetition20A.quality BquantityCsafety Dpromise答案与解析本文通过John的求职经历告诉我们:一些人并不在意细节,但有时候就是细节起很重要的作用.1A根据文章内容,John 是一所名牌大学的毕业生,专业成绩非常优秀,希望能够找到一份好工作.一天,他去一家公司申请职位.apply “申请”;vote“投票”;prepare“准备”;wait“等待”.故选择A.2B根据文章内容,他在面试时,整个过程都进展得非常顺利.interview“面试”,符

    21、合语境.3D经理问了几个问题,他都能非常流利地回答.immediately“立刻”;slowly“慢慢地”;generally“笼统地,概括地”;fluently “流利地”.故选择D.4CJohn对自己的表现非常满意,并且很自信自己可以得到这份工作.confident“自信的”.故选择C.5C根据文意,正在那个时候,经理的电话响了.ring “(电话)响起”.6C根据文章内容,经理转过身来对John 说自己有重要的信息要获取.arrangement “安排”;response “回应”;information“信息”;insight“洞察力”.故选择C.7A根据文章内容,经理要求把那本红色封

    22、皮的书递给他.cover“封皮”;picture “图片”;character “人物”;mark“标记”.下文中的“three books with red covers”亦是提示,故选择A项.8B他四处看看,发现桌子上有三本书,就拿起一本来礼貌地递给了他(经理).eagerly “渴望地”;politely“礼貌地”;purposely“故意地”;quickly“迅速地”.故选择B.9D经理手里拿着那本书,挂断了电话.search for“寻找”;pick up “拿起”;hold on “等待,别挂断”;hang up“挂断电话”.故选择D.10A根据文章内容,经理宣布他没有得到这份工作

    23、,这和John 最开始的预料截然相反.所以他应该感到惊讶.surprised “惊讶的”; helpless “无助的”;disappointed “感到失望的”;worried“担心的”.11D根据上下文,经理解释说拒绝他有三个原因(reasons).12A根据文意,经理说的第二条理由是:桌子上有三本书,但你并没有问我具体要哪一本,而是随意地拿了一本.randomly “随意地”;eventually“最后”; regularly “有规律地”;certainly“肯定地”.故选择A.13B经理解释的第三条理由是:我正在接电话,你应该跑步去拿书以节约时间.干扰项rush用在此语境中有点过.故

    24、选择B.14C根据文章内容,此处指“这些细节(details)表明了你不是一个认真的人”, 故选择C.下文的“the details in our life”和“it is the details that _17_.”也是提示.15D我们可以从John的经历中吸取一个教训.lesson “教训,课程”.故选择D.16A从文意可知,一些人并不在意细节,但有时候就是细节起很重要的作用.mind“注意,留心”,符合语境.17B从文意可知,一些人并不在意细节,但有时候就是细节起很重要的作用.trouble“使烦恼”;count “重要”;interest“使感兴趣,使关注”;impress “给留下

    25、深刻印象” .故选择B.18D我们不仅要重视我们所学的东西,而且还要更多地关注细节.有时候甚至就是细节决定成败.describe“描述”;replace“代替”;value“珍惜”;determine “决定”.故选择D.19C我们要养成认真的习惯,并且要学会保持数量和质量之间的平衡.selection“选择”;importance“重要性”;balance“平衡”;competition “竞争”.故选择C.20A我们要牢记质量第一的原则,如果没有质量,数量一点意义都没有.quality“质量”;quantity “数量”;safety“安全”;promise“承诺”.故选择A.语法填空(2

    26、017湖南省衡阳市月考)The question was once asked of a businessman who _1_ (success) highly ,“How have you done so much in your lifetime?” He replied, “I have dreames. I have turned my mind loose to imagine _2_ I wanted to do. Then I have gone to bed and thought about my dreams. In _3_ night I dreamt about my

    27、 dreams. And when I _4_ (awake) in the morning, I saw the way to make my dreams real. While other people were saying, You cant do that. It is not possible. I was well on my way to _5_ (achieve) what I wanted.”As Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the US., said, “We grow great by dreams.” All big men

    28、are dreamers. They see things in the soft haze of a spring day, or in the red fire on a long winters evening.Some of us let these dreams die, _6_ others nourish and protect them. Nourish them _7_ bad days until they bring them to the sunshine and light which comes always to _8_ who sincerely hope th

    29、at their dreams will come true.So please, dont let anyone steal your dreams, or try to tell you they are too _9_ (possible). Sing your songs, dream your dreams and pray your _10_ (pray)答案与解析人活着要有梦想并且为梦想去努力,要滋养保护梦想不让它灭亡.1had succeeded考查时态.此处是定语从句,先行词是businessman, who引导的是定语从句缺少谓语动词,根据句意用过去完成时,故填had su

    30、cceeded.2what考查代词.此处指想象我想做的事,引导宾语从句.根据句意用what,故填what.3the考查冠词.in the night“在夜里”是固定短语,故填the.4awoke考查时态.此处是when引导的时间状语从句,句中缺少谓语,根据句意用过去时,故填awake的过去式awoke.5achieving考查非谓语动词.句中to是介词,后面加动词的ing形式,此处指在实现我追求的路上,故填achieving.6while/but考查连词.句意:一些人让他们的梦想灭亡,然而其他人使梦想滋养和得到保护.前后句表对比,故填while/but.7through考查介词.此处指在不好的

    31、境遇时滋养梦想直到渡过困难,根据句意填through.8those考查代词.此处指光明总是伴随那些真诚希望他们的梦想实现的人们,who sincerely hope that their dreams will come true是定语从句,空白处缺少先行词,指人,要用复数,故填代词those.9impossible考查形容词.句意:不要让任何人偷走你的梦想,或者告诉自己梦想是不可能的.根据句意填“不可能的”impossible.10prayers/prayer考查名词.句意:唱自己的歌,做自己的梦,祈祷自己的幸福.三个句子保持一致,故填名词prayers/prayer.短文改错(2017 湖南省衡阳市检测)Dear John,Im delighted that you are coming to Beijing this summer vacation. You asked many question in your letter, and no


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