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    1、,企业愿景、使命、价值观与 业务战略明晰指引,韬睿咨询战略阐明方法Strategy Articulation Road Map,驱动因素 Drivers,愿景 Vision,使命 Mission,价值观 Values,战略Strategy战略目标 Strategic Objectives 关键绩效指标標 Key Performance Indicators,2,Towers Perrin,战略阐明过程(释例)某国际性汽车公司公司中国分公司,战略Strategy,专注于客户客 满意度之提升,发展新销售网络,建立创新的 售后服务标准,持续推展 高品质产品,战略目标 Strategic Object

    2、ives,高效的客户服务,新销售渠道销货量 达总营业额的15,将平均维修 期间较少至3天,顶尖质量的产品和服务,驱动因素 Drivers,使命 Mission,价值观 Values,愿景 Vision保持在中国汽车市 场的领导地位,并 展成为一发家具有国 际水平的汽车公司,质量 服务持续改进,成为优质可靠的 卓越汽车制造商,关键绩效指标 Key Performance Indicators,新渠道数,维修时间,培训课程 参与人数,客户 满意度,新渠道 销货量,新产品 维修率,新产品 瑕疵率,3,Towers Perrin,企业愿景、使命、价值观与 业务战略明晰工作思路,我们现在要阐明的是.,驱

    3、动因素 Drivers,5,Towers Perrin,愿景 Vision,使命 Mission,价值观 Values,战略Strategy战略目标 Strategic Objectives 关键绩效指标 Key Performance Indicators,What the organization hopes to become企业未来想要达成的模样、境界,企业愿景Shared Vision,6,Towers Perrin,Example of Vision-General Motor Corporation,At GM,we are striving to create and main

    4、tain an environment that naturally enables the people of General Motors,its unions,suppliers,and dealers to fully contribute and achieve personal fulfillment in the pursuit of total customer enthusiasm.,7,Towers Perrin,2010年成为全球第五大汽车品牌,Example of Vision-Hyundai Motor Group,8,Towers Perrin,Ford Globa

    5、l Vision is of a corporate culture which provides asafe,inclusive,and supportive environment where diversity is valued and everyone is empowered to be authentic about themselves in the workplace,without fear of loss of opportunity,thus allowing them full realization of their potential and equal part

    6、icipation in all aspects of corporate life.,Example of Vision-Ford Motor Company,9,Towers Perrin,Performance:FUN and Sporty!Brand Image:Increase marketshareEnvironmentSafetyLongevityDependability,Example of Vision-Volkswagen Motor Company,10,Towers Perrin,Example of Vision-Toyota Motor Corporation,O

    7、ur Vision:Contributing to industry and economy through technology transfer,human resource development and vehicles that meet global standards at competitive price.Contributing to well-being and stability of team members.Contributing to the overall growth for our business associates and the automobil

    8、e industry.,11,Towers Perrin,o“Six Hondas in every garage.”,Example of Vision-Honda Motors,12,Towers Perrin,To be the No.1 by far in the quality of Sales and Services,achieve a volume sale of 25000 units and service retention of 4 by the year2010.,Example of Vision-Nissan Corporation,13,Towers Perri

    9、n,我们现在要阐明的是.,驱动因素 Drivers,14,Towers Perrin,愿景 Vision,使命 Mission,价值观 Values,战略Strategy战略目标 Strategic Objectives 关键绩效指标 Key Performance Indicators,The organizations business企业经营的事业定义及范围,使命Mission,15,Towers Perrin,描述“使命”时的考虑项目,客户-谁是公司的客户?Who are our customers?,产品及服务-公司主要提供的产品或服务是什么?What are our key,pro

    10、ducts or services?,市场-公司在那一个行业或目标市场中营运?To whom do we,serve?,核心能力-什么是公司自豪的独特能力?What are our core,competencies?,提供的利益-公司对客户及股东提供的主要价值利益是什么?What,benefits do we provide our customers and stockholders?,16,Towers Perrin,Example of Mission-Chrysler Vehicle,Our mission is to understand your needs and respon

    11、d to them in a manner that exceeds your expectations-every time.This includes:Responding to customer inquiries within twenty-four hoursServicing customers in a fair,equitable,and professional wayResolving customer concerns in an agreeable manner,17,Towers Perrin,Example of Mission-Toyota Motor Corpo

    12、ration,Our mission is to design,manufacture and market automobiles worldwide,while maintaining the high quality that meets global Toyota quality standards,and offer superior value and excellent after-sales service.We are dedicated to providing the highest possible level of value to customers,team me

    13、mbers,communities and investors.,18,Towers Perrin,Example of Mission-Nissan Corporation,Our Mission is to ensure a total and recurring enjoyable ownership experience to each of our customers by following best practices in everything we do”.,19,Towers Perrin,Example of Mission-BMW Group,作为最成功的高档汽车和摩托

    14、车生产商 立足于国际市场,20,Towers Perrin,我们现在要阐明的是.,驱动因素 Drivers,21,Towers Perrin,愿景 Vision,使命 Mission,价值观 Values,战略Strategy战略目标 Strategic Objectives 关键绩效指标 Key Performance Indicators,价值观Value,The fundamental beliefs of the organization企业经营的基本理念,22,Towers Perrin,Example of Value-Ford Motor Company,uTo provide

    15、a venue for networking,socializing,and communication among Fords(including subsidiaries and affiliates)active or retired employees,contractees,and allies diversity of talent,skill and experience of our peopleuTo endeavor toward a safe work environment at Ford,free from all forms of harassmentuTo adv

    16、ocate for the business value of diversitywithin the workforce,23,Towers Perrin,To create new value,excite and delight our customers through the best automotive products and servicesWe value integrity,customer focus,creativity,efficient and nimble actions and respect highly motivated people and team spirit.We positively support environmental matters,safety and society.,Example of Value-Ford Motor Company(Mazda),24,Towers Perrin,Elevation of the Japaneseculture and national statusBeing a pioneer-n


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