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    1、GCT英语综合练习Multiple Choices1. Peter was wearing jeans and a T-shirt while all the other guests had on formal dinner wear. He really _.A) stands out B) stands forC) stands down D) stands by2. The kidneys play a _ role in maintaining health by removing impurities.A) vivid B) variableC) vital D) valid3.

    2、“Im collecting money for the Red Cross. I think Ill ask Pat to contribute”. “Dont bother asking her. Pat never contributes to anything.”A) Save your breath. B) out of questionC) Speak it out slowly D) No hurry4. This type of music is no longer in style.A) in practice B) in existenceC) in theory D).

    3、in fashion5. “Has it stopped raining yet?”“No, but its beginning to _ a little.”A) let off B) let in C) let out D) let up 6. A tumor肿瘤 that is likely to cause death is a _ tumor.A) ignored B) malignant C) negligible D) negligent 7. _ a lack of funds, the university library will now close at nine ins

    4、tead of at eleven.A) Account for B) in spite ofC) On account of D) instead of8. He failed _ knowledge.A) for want of B) in charge ofC) in terms of D) with regard to9. The drunken man was arrested for causing a _ in street.A) disturbance B) crisisC) violence D) demonstration10. The plan was _ when it

    5、 was discovered just how much the scheme would cost.A) released B) desertedC) resigned D) abandoned11. Its quite _ that until now we didnt receive her reply.A) particular B) queerC) peculiar D) odd12. Discussion at the meeting was _ to the agenda.A) strict B) restrictedC) restored D) controlled13. N

    6、o matter how frequently _, the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences.A) performing B) performedC) to be performed D) being performed14. Poetry is a special form of language that _ thoughts and feelings.A) transmits B) carriesC) transports D) conveys15. The world will be a dull place when

    7、 all the different nationalities behave exactly _.A) alike B) likeC) same D) similar16. The picture _ my school days to my mind.A) recalled B)reminded C) remembered D) recollected17. My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A) treated B) adjustedC) adopted D) remedied18. In

    8、less than a millionth of a second the cast computer ofinternational airline can _ accepts 800 bookinginquiries.A) spontaneouslyB) simultaneouslyC) instantaneously D) structurally19. Scientists have made numerous experiments, which show that _ are more effective than criticisms in terms of improving

    9、human behaviors. A) blames B) praises C) disapprovals D) disagreements20. In todays complex economic world, neither individuals nor nations are self-sufficient: nations have utilized different economic _; people have developed different skills. A) foundation B) conditionC) resources D) sources21. Sh

    10、ould English classes be compulsory at the elementary or primary school level in countries where it is not the native language?A. required B. necessaryC. select D. permanent22. In general, the British people belong to one of the more affluent countries of Europe and enjoy a high standard of living co

    11、mpared to the rest of the world.A. plentiful B powerfulC friendly D. wealthy23. To absorb a younger work force, many companies offered retirement plans as incentives for older workers to retire and make way for the younger ones who earned lower salaries.A. rewards B. opportunitiesC. motives D. stimu

    12、li24. Their business flourished at its new location a year later owing to their joint efforts and hard work.A. prevailed B failedC. boomed D shrank25. The pressure on her from her family caused her to resort to the drastic measures. A. turn to B keep toC stick to D. lead to26. 1 shall never forget t

    13、he look of intense painfulness on the face of his parents when they heard the news.A. stress B. dilemmaC. misery D. surprise27. If minor disputes are left unsettled, tough ones will pile up sooner or later. A. accumulate B. vanishC. appear D. disappear28. The police tried in vain to break up the pro

    14、test crowds in front of the government buildingA. unskillfully B. violentlyC. ineffectively D. eventually29. Talks on climate change continued in the German city of Bonn on July 16 to combat global warming.A. focus on B. settle downC. fight against D. sum up30. We have a responsibility to ensure our

    15、 nations continued prosperity and the most sensible way to do this is by investment in basic scientific research.A. effective B. efficientC. significant D. reasonable 31.I would recommend this inn highly on account of its wonderful location. A. as a result o B. because ofC. with regard to D. with a

    16、view to 32, Television advertisements do more than merely reflect dominant ideologies.观念 A. exactly B. faithfullyC. repeatedly D. simply 33. Bob believes that the invasion of the marketplace into the university is undermining fundamental academic values, and that we must act now to halt this decline

    17、.A. recover B. overtakeC. cease D. win34. A leading British scholar has proposed translating Shakespeare into contemporary English _ young audiences who are confused by jokes which are 400 years out of date.A. in memory of B. at the cost of C. on behalf of D. for the benefit of 35. You can use the C

    18、ourse Calendar to help _ your students of important dates in the course, such as test dates.A. warn B. remindC. convince D. deprive36. The local people could hardly think of any good way to _ poverty they had endured. A. shake off B. ward off C. put off D. take off 37。The party leader justified his

    19、subsequent reelection _ that he had brought political stability and economic development to his country.A. in the way B. by no meansC. on the grounds D. to the extent 38. Her story shows how gentle stubbornness and an indifference to honors and fame can lead to great achievements. A. persuasion B. d

    20、eterminationC. devotion D. reservation 39. Among picture books for 4-8-year-olds, several outstanding works appeared that combined original stories with _ illustrations.A . imaginable B. imaginativeC. imaging D. imageless40. Id like to take this opportunity to extend my heart-felt gratitude to the h

    21、ost . A. increase B. prolong C. intensify D. express41. Personality in Americans is further complicated by successive waves of immigration from various countries . A. uninterrupted B. successful C. forceful D. overwhelming42. The dean cant see you at the moment. He is addressing the A. complaining t

    22、o B. arguing with C. speaking t0 D. consulting with43. He does nothing that violates the interests of the collective. A. runs for B. runs against C. runs over D. runs into44. As a result of sophisticated technologies , this device has several advantages over like products.A. traditional B. intellige

    23、nt C. industrious D. advanced 45. When taken in large quantities some drugs can cause permanent brain damage.A. lasting B. serious C. terrible D. temporary46. I found this very profitable in diminishing the intensity of narrow-minded prejudice.A. lessening B. reflecting C. removing D. increasing47.

    24、When a man knows that he will be put into prison if he uses a potentially deadly object to rob or do harm to another person , he will think twice about it . A. passive B. lifelong C. unhappy D. fatal48. His effort of decades began to _ . He came to be well-known for his findings.A. pay off B. die of

    25、 f C. put off D. break off 49. The _ of lung cancer is particularly high among long-term heavy smokers. Especially chain smokers.A. incident B, accidentC. incidence D. evidence50. X-rays are also called Rontgen rays _ the discoverer who first put them to use.A. in case of B. in view of C. in place o

    26、f D. in honor of 51. The philosophy class began with twenty students but three _ after the midterm exam.A. picked up B. turned out C. dropped out D. kept up 52.The following account by the author _ the difference between European and American reactions.A. illustrates B. acquiresC. demands D. predict

    27、s53. Long _ to harmful pollutants is most likely to lead to a decline in health.A. contact B. touch C. use D. exposure 54. _ being fun and good exercise , swimming is a very useful skill.A. Rather than B. Apart from C. Instead of D. Owing to 55. Even at discounted prices, these powerful AIDS drugs a

    28、re far beyond _ for most of the worlds 40 million HIV-infected people.A. reach B. control C. comprehension D. imaginationPassage 1 AnnouncementIn order to qualify for a single room in a university dormitory, you must be a full-time student who has completed the necessary number of hours to be ranked

    29、 as an upperclassman. Applicants for such university housing are required to submit completed applications to the Office of Student Housing no later than the second week of the semester preceding the semester for which they are requesting such housing. Students will be notified regarding the status

    30、of their application by the sixth week of classes. Private dorm rooms will be assigned to qualified students on a first-served basis.1. Private dorm rooms are reserved for _A) freshman and sophomores.B) juniors and seniors.C) office workers.D) high-class men2. Students cannot have individual living quarters if they_.A) do not carry a full loadB) are going to graduate soon.C) apply too early.D) do not want to share rooms.3. What kind of student will most probably getone of the rooms referred to in the passage?A) on


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