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    1、趣味英语英语游戏脑筋急转弯第3篇其他类Part Miscellaneous 第3篇 其他类 Part Miscellaneous 第3篇 其他类Questions:1How can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it?不能剪也不能卷,怎样使一根绳子变短?2How can you throw a ball and have it return to you without hitting anything or having anyone throw it back to you?把球扔出去,不能碰任何物体,不能让别人扔回来

    2、,怎样使球乖乖地回到你手里?3Why are you wearing two watches at the same time?你为何同时戴两块表?Keys:1Take a longer rope and compare with it拿一根长点的绳子比一比就行了。2Just throw it up in the air往上抛。3To see if the other one keeps good time互相监督是否走时准确。Notes:1与更长的绳子相比,原来那根绳子肯定是更短了(shorter)。Questions:1What is visible only in winter time

    3、?什么东西冬天才能看见?2What do you have that you cant lend to others?什么东西属于你而且不能借给别人?3Why dont boys need to watch out for wormswhen theyre eating apples?男孩子吃苹果时为什么不用当心苹果里的虫?Keys:1Your breath你的呼吸。2Your shadow你的影子。3The worms have to watch out for themselves因为虫子必须自己当心(不被吃掉)。Notes:1visible/vizibl/adj看得见的3 watch o

    4、ut当心,注意,留神Questions:1If two swallows are sitting on a twig and you wish to get the twig without disturbing the swallows,what shall you do?假如两只燕子停在一枝小树枝上,你想弄到那枝小树枝,却不想惊动燕子,怎么办?2If you find three sparrows on the roof and you shoot one,how many are left?假如你看见屋顶上有三只麻雀,射掉一只,还有几只?3If a burglar was informe

    5、d all the exits were guarded,what could he do to escape?假如强盗得知所有的出口都有人站岗,那么他怎么才能逃出去?Keys:1Wait till the swallows fly away等燕子飞走了以后去弄。2NoneThe others fly away一只不剩,其余都飞走了。3He could go out of the entrance他可以从入口出去。Notes:1swallow n.燕子twig/twig/ n小枝,细枝2sparrow n麻雀Questions:1Why do people wish for something

    6、 they havent got?人们为什么总是想得到没有得到的东西呢?2Why do people always find what they are looking for in the last place they look?人们找东西时为什么总是在最后一个寻找的地方才找到?3What does everybody know about the emperors of China?关于中国的皇帝每个人都知道的是什么?Keys:1What else is there to wish for? You cease to wish for it once you get it除此以外你还想要

    7、得到什么?一旦得到,你就用不着想得到了。2No one would keep looking once they find what they are looking for一旦人们找到他们寻找的东西后,没有人还会找下去。3Theyre all dead他们都作古了。Notes:1cease to do something停止做某事,与cease doing something意思相同。Questions:1How to put you left hand where your right hand cant reach it?把你的左手放在哪儿,使你的右手无论如何也够不到?2How can

    8、you tell the weather with a rope?只有一根绳子,如何知道天气?Keys:1Put your left hand on your right elbow把你的左手放在右肘上。2Take it in the openIf it swings, its windy; if its wet, its raining.拿到室外,如果它摇晃,说明有风;如果它湿了,说明有雨。Notes:1elbow n肘,肘部2in the open在户外,在野外Questions:1If you take half from a half dollar, how much is left?

    9、如果从一个半块美元里拿走半块,还剩多少?2How long should your legs be?你的腿应该有多长?3Why is the woolen sweater marked“cotton”?为什么羊毛衫上却标着“棉制品”?4If your uncles sister is not you aunt, what relation is she to you?如果你舅舅的妹妹不是你阿姨,请问她是你什么?Keys:1A dollar is left还剩一个美元。2Long enough to reach the ground够得着地就行了。3TO fool the moths是用来瞒着蛀

    10、虫的。4Your mother是你的母亲。Notes:3 moth n蛾,蛀虫woolen adj羊毛的,呢绒的也可写作woollenQuestions:1Tommy Tucker took two strings and tied two turtles to two tall treesHow many Ts are there in that?汤米塔克拿了两段绳子,把两只乌龟拴在两棵大树上。请问这句话中有多少个“T”?2It usually takes 8 hours to travel from New York to Chicago by trainThen why hasnt th

    11、e train leaving the Big Apple more than ten hours ago arrived yet?通常从纽约到芝加哥坐火车只要8小时,可是这列火车离开纽约已经超过10小时了,为什么现在还没有到芝城呢?Keys:1There are two Ts in“that”有两个“T”。2The train was not for Chicago这列火车不是开往芝加哥的。Notes:2The Big Apple指纽约。Questions:1Whose eyes never close?谁的眼睛从来不闭?2What is a fish net made of?鱼网是什么做的

    12、?3What walks all day on its head?什么东西整天用头走路?4Whats the difference between a monkey and a flea?猴子和跳蚤的区别是什么?Keys:1A neddles eye针眼。2Little holes tied together with strings用绳子系起来的小洞洞。3A nail on a horse马蹄铁上的钉子。4A monkey can have fleas but a flea cant have monkeys猴子可能长跳蚤,跳蚤不可能生猴子。Notes:3the head of the na

    13、il钉子头4flea n.跳蚤Questions:1What can you tell from Peters record card with extremely poor grades?彼得糟糕透顶的成绩单说明什么问题?2What would George Washington be most famous for if he were alive today?如果乔治华盛顿今天还活着,那么他最为著名的是什么?3What does everybody do at the same time?所有的人同时在做同一件什么事情?4What resembles half a pie?什么东西像半块

    14、饼?Keys:1He didnt cheat他没有作弊。2Old age高寿。3Grow old变老。4 The other half饼的另一半。Notes:1record card成绩单Questions:1My uncle hasnt slept for many days but he isnt tired at allWhats his secret?我叔叔很多天没有睡觉,却一点也不累,奥妙何在?2What has a bed but never sleeps, a mouth but never speaks?什么东西有床不睡,有口不说?3What has four fingers

    15、and a thumb but no flesh and bone?什么东西有五指却没有骨肉?Keys:1He sleeps at night他晚上睡觉。2A river.河流。3A glove.手套。Notes:2the bed of the river河床the mouth of the river河口(河入海的地方)3thumb n拇指此外有 forefinger(食指), middle finger(中指),ring finger(无名指),和little finger(小拇指)。Questions:1The farmers in this village used modern me

    16、thods but harvested no apples this yearWhy?今年这个村落的农民们运用了现代新技术,却没有收获到一只苹果。为什么?2The injured dog had some difficulty going homeEvery step he took,he slipped back two However, he still manage to get homeHow did he do it?受了伤的小狗回家无比艰难,他每向前走一步,就得向后滑两步,但是就是这样他还是回到家了,请问他是怎样做到的?Keys:1They planted peach trees他

    17、们种的是桃树。2He walked in the other direction他朝与回家相反的方向走。Notes:1harvest v收获,收割peach n桃子2Slip v滑,溜,跌交manage v成功地做了某事Questions :1What falls often but never gets hurt?什么东西经常摔下来却毫无损伤?2Why do cowboys ride their horses to town?牛仔们为什么骑马去城里?3Who goes around all day in a car with his bag full of money?谁整天坐着车到处逛,包

    18、里满是钞票?4Why does Jim wish he had enough money to buy an elephant?吉姆为何希望有足够的钱买一头大象?Keys:1Snowflakes雪花。2It11 take much longer if they walk their horses there.因为牵着马走去花的时间太长了。3A bus conductor汽车售票员。4He just wishes he had that much money他就想有那么多的钱。Notes:2 cowboy n牛仔,牧童Questions:1How did the pick-pocket spot

    19、 the plain-clothes cop in the womans disguise?小偷怎么识别出装扮成女人的便衣警察?2Which month has 28 days?哪个月有28天?3What is it that everyone wants to have and get rid of, too?什么东西人人都想拥有却又都想甩掉?Keys:1He passed by a cosmetics store without looking in the window因为他路过一家化妆品商店却看都不看橱窗里的东西。2 Every month has at least 28 days每个

    20、月都至少有28天。3Ones appetite人的胃口。Notes:1pick-pocket n扒钱包的人,小偷plain-clothes adj便衣的disguise n伪装3get rid of ones appetite满足胃口,吃饱喝足Questions:1Where did the egg floating down the Mississippi River come from?飘在密西西比河上的鸡蛋是从哪儿来的?2Lucky Mouse fell off a 1000-step stair and was not hurt Why?幸运鼠从1000级的台阶上摔下来却安然无恙,为什

    21、么?3Why do giraffes have long neck?长颈鹿的脖子为什么那么长?4What travels around the earth without using any fuel?什么东西不用燃料绕着地球转?Keys:1From a hen 是母鸡生下来的。2He fell off the last step他是从最后一个台阶上摔下来的。3Because their heads are far from their bodies因为它们的头离身子远。4The moon.是月亮。Notes:4fuel n燃料Questions:1What number has nothin

    22、g left if you take a half from it?什么数字拿走一半就什么都不剩了?2What number is like a peacock?什么数字像孔雀一样?3What room has no walls,no doors, no windows,and no one to live in?什么房间没有墙,没有门窗,也没有人住?Keys:1The number is 8, because only 0 is left whether you take away the top half or the bottom half是数字8,因为不管你拿掉它的上面一半还是下面一半

    23、,剩下的都是零。2The number is 9, because its 0 without its tail and likewise, a peacock is nothing without its tail是数字9,因为9没有尾巴就成了零,同样,孔雀没有尾巴也一无是处。3A mushroom是蘑菇。Notes:2peacock n雄孔雀(雌孔雀为peahen)Questions:1How can you make 6 out of three7s?怎样使得3个7等于6?2How can you make 6 out of three 5s?怎样使得3个5等于6?3How can yo

    24、u make 1000 out of eitht8s?怎样使得8个8等于1000?4What time is it when the clock strikes sixteen?时钟敲16下时是什么时候?Keys:3Easy8+8+8+88+888=1000很简单。8+8+8+88+888=10004Time to have the clock fixed是修时钟的时候。Notes:4strike .敲,击fix v.修理Questions:1Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired?谁一年只上一天班却不会被开除?2When d

    25、o people have two mouths?什么时候人有两张嘴?3What grows sharper the more its used?什么东西越用越锋利?4Why do lions eat raw meat?狮子为何吃生肉?Keys:1Santa Claus圣诞老人。2When therere two of them有两个人时。3The tongue舌头。4They dont know how to cook它们不会烹饪。Notes:1Santa Claus 圣诞老人,也作Father Christmas。Questions:1Whats the birth rate in thi

    26、s area?这个地区的出生率是多少?2What has a mouth but never speaks?什么有嘴不说话?3What has everybody seen before but will never he seen again?什么东西人人见过却永不再见?4What does everyone have and overlook?什么东西人人都有却总是忽视。Keys:1Once per person每人一次。2A jar水壶。3Yesterday昨天。4Ones own nose自己的鼻子。Notes:4overlook v.忽略,看漏Questions:1If you ha

    27、d ten apples and ate eight,how many would you have?如果你有十个苹果,吃了八个,还有几个?2Why did the ex-chauffeur lie under the mule?从前做过私人司机的那个人干嘛躺在骡子下面?3Why is Jim praying Chicago to be made capital of New Jersey?吉姆为何祈祷芝加哥变成新泽西州的首府?Keys:1Ten Two outside and eight inside十个。两个在外面,八个在里面。2To see why the mule didnt go看看

    28、骡子为什么不走?3Thats the answer he gave on his Geography paper.他在地理试卷上这样写的。Notes:2chauffeur n私人雇佣的汽车司机ex-加在某些名词前相当于中文的“前”,e.g. ex-wife(前妻),ex-president(前总统),ex-cop(前任警官),etc.Questions:1Can you name the capital of every state in the U Sin ten seconds?你能用10秒钟说出美国所有州的首府吗?2A motorist ran into a motorcyclist,yet the motorcyclist was not hurt while the motorist was badly injuredWhy?一个汽车司机撞上了一个骑摩托车的人,骑摩托车的人安然无恙,汽车司机却受了重伤。这是怎么回事?3A police officer had a brother,but


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