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    1、学年人教版高二英语暑假作业342017-2018学年人教版高二英语暑假作业(34)一、阅读理解1. That year, in the local school, there was a new math teacher, as well as some new pupils. One of the new kids was the stupidest child anyone had ever seen. It made no difference how quickly or how slowly they tried explaining numbers to him; he would

    2、 always end up saying something enormously stupid. Like two plus two was five, seven times three was twenty-seven, or a triangle had thirty corners. Before this boy arrived, math lessons had been the most boring of all. Now they were great fun. Encouraged by the new teacher, the children would liste

    3、n to the pieces of nonsense spouted by the new kid, and they would have to correct his mistakes. Whenever the new teacher asked questions, the stupid kid would stand up but made the wrong answers, the other students all wanted to be the first to find his mistakes, and then think up the most original

    4、 ways to explain them. To do this they used all kinds of stuff : sweets, playing cards, oranges, paper planes, etc. It didnt seem like any of this bothered the new kid. However, Littl e Lewis was sure that it was bound to make him feel sad inside. Lewis was sure he would see him crying. So, one day,

    5、 he decided to follow the new kid home after school. On leaving school, the new kid walked a few minutes to a local park, and there he waited for a while, until someone came along to meet him It was the new teacher! The teacher gave the new kid a hug, and off they went, hand in hand. Following from

    6、a distance, Lewis could hear they were talking about math.1.The math lessons became interesting again because of the new teachers _.A.responsibilityB.imaginationC.creativityD.curiosity2.The passage implies that the stupidest child_.A.knew much more about math than other classmatesB.was in great need

    7、 of math teachers help after classC.had no much gift for math and was slow to learn itD.disliked both the new math teacher and his lessons3.According to the passage, Lewis followed the stupidest in order to _.A.find out if he felt upsetB.learn about where he livedC.say something to comfort himD.make

    8、 friends with him4.What does the underlined word “this” in the third paragraph refer to ?A.To find the stupidest kids mistakes.B.To think up the most original ways to explain.C.To follow him home after school.D.To use all kinds of stuff.2. Four Wild Animal Species Were Endangered Maybe you can still

    9、 see them at the zoo. But that doesnt mean theyre doing alright in the wild. Tigers All six tiger species are endangered, with Sumatran tigers and South China tigers at a seriously endangered status. The main reasons for their population decline are illegal hunting and destroyed habitats(栖息地), as hu

    10、mans clear forests to gather timber(木材)and build roadways. Only about 3890 tigers presently live in the wild. Ground squirrels Thats right, even squirrels are endangered, specifically the San Joaquin ground squirrel. Native to California, USA, these guys have been disappearing since 1979 on account

    11、of the construction and human development going through their habitat. Their total population is unknown, but it could be anywhere between 124000 and 413000. Giraffes The International Union for the Conservation of Nature recently put giraffes at a vulnerable(脆弱的) status, the level just before endan

    12、gered. The giraffe population has declined 40 percent in the last 30 years, primarily due to loss of habitat and illegal hunting. Some giraffes are killed just for their tails, which are considered status symbols in Africa. Asian elephants The main threat to Asian elephants, one of the most intellig

    13、ent animals, is their shrinking habitat. As the human population grows, people invade their land to build roads and railway tracks. Elephants in Myanmar are at an especially high risk for being captured and traded or used illegally in the tourist industry. Fewer than 50000 are left on the entire con

    14、tinent.1.What is the total population of tigers living in the wild?A.Around 3890.B.50000.C.124000.D.413000.2.Which of the following is considered one of the most intelligent animals?A.Tigers.B.Giraffes.C.Ground squirrels.D.Asian elephants.3.What is the common threat to the four wild animals?A.Illega

    15、l hunting.B.Disturbed habitat.C.Developing tourism.D.Unnecessary construction.3. Unlike reading and TV, modem devices are interactive rather than passive. Their connectivity to the outside world breaks into the bedroom. “They are causing sleep procrastination,” says Matthew Walker, a professor at th

    16、e University of California. Experts say we need between 30 minutes and an hour of preparation before going to sleep to give our minds a chance to unwind from the stresses of the day. Things like reading a book, having a hot drink or doing a repetitive task like counting sheep all help. But when we p

    17、ick up our phones, we are undoing that preparation our brains need by extending the day together with all the stress and worry from it into our night-time hours. “We might feel perfectly sleepy and could drop off easily if the power went out and our phones didnt work,” he says. “But when we pick up

    18、these devices it allows us to put off sleep. Often people will get into bed, someone will ping them on Facebook or send an email, and before they know it 20 to 30 minutes has gone.” “Sending a text message or checking your email means you are waiting for a response. Then once you put it down by your

    19、 bedside, if you leave the phone on, there are all the pings, dings and other sounds that can wake you up during the night.” It appears there is a marked difference between staying up late with a good book or watching television in bed and using smartphones, tablets and laptops. The way we interact

    20、with electronic devices allows them to eat into far more of the time we should be asleep, according to researchers.1.What does the underlined word “procrastination” in Paragraph 1 mean?A.Loss.B.Trouble.C.Lack.D.Delay.2.Why does the author say modem devices are interactive rather than passive?A.They

    21、make users passive.B.They need wisdom to be used.C.They concern active activties.D.They are different from reading and TV.3.Paragrpah 3 mainly tells us_.A.how the phone spoils our sleepB.when people should go to bedC.what electronic devices mean to usD.why we should shut off the phone when sleeping4

    22、.What does the last paragraph imply?A.Theres difference in the way we sleep.B.Reading or watching TV can help sleep.C.People spend too much time on the phone.D.We sleep much less using electronic devices.4. Have you ever thought why there are very few great people? I think there is probably only one

    23、 great person out of 10,000 at most, and most probably much less than that. But why? Most people want to be great, right? Why are there only very few of them? Here is the reason: most people do not pay the price of greatness. I think this one is quite obvious. Now, the next question is: why not? If

    24、there are so many people who want to be great, why only very few of them actually pay the price? The answer to this question explains the difference between the almost 100% people who want to be great and the much less than 0.01% who actually become great. The reason why very few people actually pay

    25、 the price is this: the road to greatness is continuously painful for a long time. Greatness requires sacrifices and there is no sacrifice without pain. The kind of sacrifices required for greatness is the ones with a long painful process. If you just want to be better than average, it will be painf

    26、ul only every now and then, and many people can still handle it. But being great is a totally different level. The pain is much deeper and it is continuous. Very few people can have tolerance to this kind of pain and thats why there are very few great people. Most people naturally choose things that

    27、 bring pleasure to them. Its difficult to choose pain over pleasure, let alone doing it continuously for a long time. But thats what I believe is the secret to greatness: choosing pain over pleasure continuously for a long time.1.Why are there very few great people?A.Only less than 0.01% actually wa

    28、nt to be great.B.Most people dont have the potential to be greatC.Most people cant bear the hardship to be great.D.Only less than 0.01% have the potential to be great.2.Which of the following sayings would the author agree to according to the passage?A.No pain, no gainB.Do one thing at a time, and d

    29、o well.C.Whatever is worth doing is worth doing wellD.Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.3.According to the writer, to be great, what do you need to do?A.To suffer only every now and thenB.To be very clever, rich and beautiful.C.To get along well with othersD.To choose pain instead o

    30、f pleasure for long.4.The underlined phrase have tolerance to in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to .A.remain alive or continue to exist for a long timeB.be in a difficult or painful situation for a long time without complaintsC.get over something unpleasant quickly and become happy againD.deal wi

    31、th something pleasant and share it with others二、七选五5.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 No matter what problem were facing,we always find solutions. _If you need a boost of happiness to help you through the day,be sure to remember these things: 1.Accept it. Although it may seem challenging to

    32、 accept a negative situation,its your best bet in moving toward a resolution. _What you can do is only focus on how to improve the circumstances now. 2.Dont waste time considering it. Working on a problem a long time can only make it bigger than it already is.Not only will you feel worse in the long run,


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