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    1、词汇班教案L910Lesson 9 A Strange Visitor Step 1 ( ) 1. The story happened _. A. at the bus station B. at a taxi standC. in a book store D. at a railway station( ) 2. The clerk did not notice anything else, because_. A. he was blind in both eyesB. he was nearsightedC. he was fixing his attention on his le

    2、tterD. he was sleeping then( ) 3. What did the Englishman want to do?A. to steal somethingB. to have a restC. to make a telephoneD. to buy a ticket( ) 4. What does the word “monster” mean? A. the tiger B. the clerkC. the Englishman D. the ticket( ) 5. The clerk turned around and what did he find?A.

    3、wolf B. a tiger C. a cat D. a monkeyStep 2294/5NOTES:The story happened in a railroad station in a far inland part of India. The railroad passed through a wild jungle full of wild birds and beasts.One morning, Harry Simpson, a ticket clerk at that railroad station, arrived at the station. He found t

    4、hat his watch was too fast, and he had come half an hour too early. So he sat down at his desk to write to his mother and soon he was too buried in his letter to notice anything else. However, he heard a sound and turned around, and found the office door, which had been left unlocked, pushed open, a

    5、nd found himself face to face with none other than the largest tiger he had ever seen in his life! He tried to stay calm and had a good idea- to jump into a small closet and to shut the door after him. Harry would have liked to lock the door, but the key was left outside. So he could only try to for

    6、ce the door open. Unluckily, the door of the house had shut itself behind him, and the window was guarded by strong iron bar. Mr. Tiger found that he was caught in a trap. His anger changed into fear and he tried to seek for some way of escape, but found none. He spied the ticket-window, and with hi

    7、s paw, succeeded in pushing it open. There outside an old English merchant with a red face saw the tigers face just in front of his own! He loaded his rifle in an instant, and soon shot the monster through the head, dead.“Many thanks for your timely rescue.” said Harry Simpson, coming out of the clo

    8、set. “Dont mention in.” said the Major. “Give me my ticket at once.”.在野外遇到野兽 你该怎么办?在野外活动,会经常遇到一些野兽,虽不常见,但是真的遇到了,就会很麻烦。如果遇到后就迅速强迫自己冷静下来,正视它的眼睛,让它看不出 你下一步的行动。 你要保持警惕,但不要主动发动攻击,这样会暴露自己,不要背对对方,在自然界中这样做等于表明自己是被猎者。 面对对方,慢慢向后退。同时不能让它看出你想逃跑 (自然界中某些动物后退的时表示它准备发起攻击 ,兽类都知道这一点)。如果它跟进则应立即停止后退。 注意:后退时一定要以匀速慢慢的走,即

    9、使对方没有 跟近也不要快跑这是野生动物的天下,它可以轻 易的追上你,当你快跑等于表明自己是被猎者。 尽可能不要上树(除非它没有发现你,或者你自信后 援小组能及时赶来。),上树等于自断退路,兽类善于等待。 如果它不认为你是食物,并且发觉你不会对它造成伤 害,观察一下之后它就会离开。你要做的就是想办法让它明白这两点。 熊 经常听到有熊闯入营地的事,这是因为以前有人用自带食物喂熊,后因此举危险而被禁止。但熊可不知道这一点,它仍然以为您的野营饭盒是为它准备的,于是大饱口福。 要说明的是:熊不会主动伤人,在它眼里人并不好吃。 一般只在两种情况下主动袭击人类: 你站在母熊和小熊之间(母子问题); 你站在熊

    10、和熊的食物之间。 所以当你在有熊出没的地方行进时,最好在身上带上铃铛,一路上吹口哨,熊能听见,知道是(可怕的)人类来了,会躲开的。 但一定要记着: 童话寓言说的“趴地上装死”是绝对行不通的,因为真的有人试过,结果是:他被熊扇了一巴掌,并少了一大块头皮之后 一跃而起大叫一声然后爬到树上去了。当然,在他爬树的时候 熊也没闲着-它被那一声惊吼给吓跑了。狗 一般来说狗都很可爱,只要你不去惹它就不会咬你。但疯狗除外。当你在路上看见有垂头丧气、伸出舌头的狗时,请远离它。 当给狗追时,马上蹲下,并捡起石头扔过去。实际上你只 需要紧记“蹲下”即可,不管有没有石头都蹲下。狗马上就会 跑开。(警犬除外。-) 我养

    11、了十几年狗了,对付狗最好的办法就是别退缩,别眨眼一直盯着他的两眼之间看,要用气势压倒它,但是一定要观察仔细是否疯狗,大吼一身狗都会吓得撒尿转身逃窜的,但是见到野生的藏獒不属于犬科,属于兽类你一定要手里拿个神马武器要不你就惨了,因为藏獒属于近亲繁殖,多数属于没脑子的那种,所以还是远离为妙!警犬除外 患有狂犬病的犬是可以看出来的,两眼发直口水直流,走路不会转弯的,恐水声,避之远矣!被此类狗咬后一定要在48小时之内注射狂犬疫苗! 家养犬有很多是被阉割掉的公犬此类犬性格孤僻且胆大六亲不认,寿命短但凶猛异常!狼 狼是最危险的动物。一头狼并不危险,但是,狼大多是群 体活动。如果在行进中发现只有一头狼,千万

    12、不要轻视它,特 别是当它远远跟随的时候狼很少独自发起攻击,当它认为 不能独立获取猎物时,会通知其所在群体,并远随猎物之后, 在路途中留下记号,吸引更加多的狼加入,入夜时分即会发起 攻击。当发现有狼跟随时,尽快回到公路或安全营地。狼群是不怕火的,单独的狼怕火也只是暂时的, 可以利用这一点脱险。千万不要想着把那只跟随的狼消灭即可 脱险,相反,这样只会引发狼群的仇恨,当狼群想复仇或想救 援被捕捉的狼时,会召集其它狼群(直到它们认为有绝对实力 获胜为止)一起进攻,这时,火也无法让其退缩。 动物的听觉是人的五倍甚至更高,也可以放音乐重金属摇滚乐之类的,或发出弄出它们难以忍受的噪音逼退它们!蛇 打草惊蛇是

    13、常用的办法,在一些潮湿的草丛、林间及灌木丛里,或者大雨前后,都是蛇出没的地方和时间。不论是否有蛇,都应拿一根棍子,边走边打草,使蛇惊吓而逃。在营地扎营时,如果有防蛇的必要,应当带上一些雄黄粉之类的驱蛇之物,将其撒在帐蓬或者营地四周,可以避蛇。如果蛇已被惊动并且立起前身准备攻击时,大家不要惊慌,要原地不动,慢慢地拿出手巾之类的东西,抛向别处以将蛇的注意点引开,随后,要么用带叉的长棍灭之,要么避开。 古印第安部落流传这样一个忠告:千万不要无故伤害野生 动物,大自然是它们的天下,自然界同样有着“法律”,狼就是它的执法使者。 Step 3词汇英音美音词性及词义1visitorvizitvzt n. 观

    14、光者;参观者2happenhpnhpnv. (偶然)发生3tickettikittktn. 票,券;车票;入场券4clerkkl:kklkn. 办事员,职员;书记;记帐员5arriveraivravv. 到达;到来6buryberibrv. 使沉浸,使专心7noticenutisnotsv. 注意;察觉8pushpupuv. 推;推动,推进9calmk:mkma. 镇静的,沉着的10forcef:sforsv. 用力推进;强行攻占;强行打开11shutttv. 关上,闭上,关闭12seeksi:ksikv. 寻找;探索(+after/for)13escapeiskeipskepv. 逃跑;逃脱

    15、14instantinstntnstntn. 顷刻,一刹那15rescuereskju:rskjuv.援救;营救;挽救(+from)为初中词汇,其他为初中以上词汇!A1. An _ later the explosion occurred. 2. He _ three children from the burning building. 3. His special talents attracted my _. 4. He made his _ in disguise. 5._the window, please. 6. You must try to be _. 7. The deleg

    16、ation _ in London last Monday. 8. He _ open the library door. 9. He _ vainly for the answer. 10. She got a job as a bank _. 11. A funny thing _. 12. They _ themselves in their work. 13. We _our way in. 14. Admission by _only. 15. There are many _ to the White House every year. B1、故事发生在一个夏日的早晨。( summ

    17、er morning)2、这是你的票。3、这是你的手表吗。4、他注意到一个孩子进了他的房间。(enter ones room)5、她强迫自己不睡。6、她把书合起来,放在一边。(put away)Lesson 10 The Secret of the FlowerbedStep 1( ) 1. How many people are mentioned in the story? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four( ) 2. Who made the kings son happy at last?A. The king B. Sir Arthur C. The pr

    18、ince himself D. The queen ( ) 3. The secret to be happy according to the text is_.A. to work hard B. to playC. to do good to someone every day D. to quarrel with people every day ( ) 4. Why did the king give his son all things?A. He wanted to make his son happy B. They were uselessC. The queen let h

    19、im do so D. His father did not like the things( ) 5. What should we learn from the story?A. No pains, no gains. B. Do good to others and you will be happy. C. Mind your own business. D. Two heads are better than one.Step 2311/5NOTES: Henry, whose father was the English King, was loved deeply and mad

    20、e happy by his father in every possible way.The King gave the prince everything. However, Prince Henry was not happy. The King gave the boy a pony, also a boat, and so on. Yet, for all that, the young prince was still not happy. All the time he was wishing for something that he did not have.One summ

    21、er day, Sir Arthur was sitting at the Kings table when Prince Henry came into the room, with an unsatisfied face as usual. Seeing the frown on the Princes face, Sir Arthur turned to the King, saying, “The prince seems unhappy, but I can make him happy. If you will let him live with me, I will change

    22、 him.”“Good,” said the King. “Please take him with you, and do as you like.” That very day Prince Henry went into the country with Sir Arthur. “I have a flowerbed in my garden that can talk, which is very strange,” said Sir Arthur, “and it tells its secret only to people who watch it every day. If y

    23、ou learn the secret, you will be happy every day.”“Id like to see it,” said Prince Henry. “It is right under your very eyes,” said Sir Arthur. The Prince looked and saw a newly made flowerbed. But there was no flower, not even a leaf, upon it.“Come and watch it every day, and soon it will tell you i

    24、ts secret,” said Sir Arthur.Prince Henry did as told. But, many days later, he did not hear it talk at all. The flowerbed was watered, and the warm sun shone upon it. At last, one fine morning, he saw tiny plants coming up. And he saw that these plants made lines, and formed such letters as spelling

    25、:DO SOME GOODTO SOMEONE EVERY DAY.英国皇室简介英国是君主立宪制国家,英国皇室作为凝聚国家力量的象征发挥作用,并不具备实质性权力。国王是名义上的统治者,由世袭产生。首相是英国政府的最高领导人,通过民选产生,掌握最高行政权力。首相可就重大事项与国王磋商,但最终决定权由议会和首相做出。Step 3词汇英音美音词性及词义1secret si:kritsikrtn. 秘密,机密;内情2possiblepsblpsb!a. 可能的3ponypuniponn. 矮种马;小马4unsatisfiednstisfaidnstsfada.未得到满足的;不满意的5usualju:u

    26、ljuula.通常的,平常的;惯常的6turn tot:n ttn t转向;求助于7gardeng:dngrdnn.花园;菜园;果园;庭院8learnl:nlnv.学习;学会+to-v+v-ing+wh-9tiny tainitana.极小的;微小的为初中词汇,其他为初中以上词汇!A1. We can_ him for help. 2. There is a botanical _ in Paris. 3. Fleas are _ insects. 4. Ill tell you a _ that Ive never told a living soul. 5.The children rod

    27、e their _all over the farm. 6. He has _ a new skill. 7. My brother is _ English now. 8. He came home later than _. 9. Is such a thing _? B1、如果你想要快乐,就要对别人做好事。(do good to)2、他们将获得尽可能大的帮助。3、我希望得到漂亮的生日礼物。(wish for)4、她向她的朋友求助。(turn to)5、孩子正在花园里玩耍。6、活到老学到老。(tooto)Lesson 9-10 tickets buried happened rescued

    28、 secret calm pushed tiny shut noticed garden clerk instant arrived learned usual seeking unsatisfied escaped visitors turned to ride possible flowerbed forced1. We _ in town yesterday.2. The police _ open the door and entered the apartment.3. The accident _ this morning.4. I _ that there was a leak in the ceiling.5. Firefighters _ people from the burning building.6. Our company had some _ yesterday from another business.7. Is it _ to get there by bus?.8. Your _ is safe; I wont tell anyone.9. She _ herself in her rea


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