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    1、英语九下资源与评价答案英语九下资源与评价答案【篇一:英语资源与评价九年级下答案】p module 1unit 1 基础过关 i. 1.sightseeing 2.transport3.though 4.taken 5.welcome 6.plenty7.forward8.information 9.describe 10.foot 11.had taken 12.is going/will go 13.becoming ii. 16-20. dddbb 21-25.cadcd iii. 26. but 27. why didnt 28. or by ship 29. filled with 3

    2、0. in doing iv. 31-35. fcgbe 36. where is jim? 37. when did he go there?38. has he ever been there before? / has he lived there before? 39. who did he travel with? 40. how long will he be away? v. 41-45 a c a bb 46-50. cbcdavi. 51-55. bba c d56-60. bddcb unit 2 基础过关 i. 1.dream 2.capital3.interests 4

    3、.suggestions 5.carefully 6.ticket 7.passengers 8.cigarette 9.disappeared 10.with 11.forget 12.had set/ was setting13.leaving 14.nodded 15.surprised ii. 16-20. cbaa c 21-25.cbccc iii. 26. was made to move 27. why did28. how they found 29. besides 30. a number of iv. 31-35. fdebc36.you 37.mouth 38.not

    4、hing 39.cause40.times v. 41-45. bdaca46-50. bbabc 60.the 61-65. abbda66-70. badcd unit 3 基础过关 i. 1.responsible 2.would 3.notes 4.sight 5.between 11.took 12.spent 13.weighed 14.flown 15.pushed ii. 16-20. bbaba 21-25. cbcbc iii. 26. slower /more slowly 27. how long 28.at last 29. how did fly 30.40-met

    5、er iv. 31-35. ga edf 36. why did you say so? 37. what a pity. 38. where did you go? 39. what was the weather like there? / how was the weather there? 40. did you enjoy yourself? / did you have a good time? v. 41-45. adcbc46-50. dcbad vi. 51. he is a teacher. 52. because the distance between the scho

    6、ol and his home is 7km and he likes driving, too. 53. there are 149.3 thousand.54. 43,466km. 55. the main way of transportation was relying on horse. 56.changing57.disappeared58.somewhere 59.return 60.built 61.stay 62.problem 63.in 64.fighting 65.uglier 66.a 67.a 68.a 69.it is about 3,700 meters hig

    7、h. 70.in 1707. 能力提升 i. 1.step 2.transport 3.though 4.through 5.departure 6.nodded 7.waste 8.arrive 9.places 10.eventually 11.carefully 12.leaving 13.saying 14.holding 15.better ii. 16-20. cabba 21-25. bbdad 26-30. cbad a iii. 31-35. ifcae 36-40. ghdbj iv. 41-45. dcbba 46-50. acabb 51-60. cabdc 56.in

    8、 57.different 58.bikes 59.near 60.on 61.buses 62.like 63.take 64.more 65.by v. 66-70. bcacd 71. in the far north of europe.72. the gulf stream 73. florida and cuba. 74. ireland, britain and france.75. the icebergs of the north atlantic ocean.76-80. cadbb module 2unit 1基础过关i. 1. orchestra 2. pupils 3

    9、. labs 4. geography 5. exam 6. prefer 7. french 8. during 9. favorite 10. relaxing ii. 11. more difficult 12. reporter 13. playing 14. watching 15. herself 16. going 17. swimming18. surprised19. unhappy 20. buildings iii. 21. a 22. d 23. c24. d25. a26. d27. c 28. d29. b 30. b iv. 31. how does talk32

    10、. on my own 33. none is 34. worse ours35. anything interesting v. 36. d 37. f 38. g 39. a 40. e 41. may i come in 42. what are you doing 43. of course 44. when did you go there45. how much was it vi. 46. b47. a 48. c49. a50. a 51. c 52. d 53. b 54. c 55. a vii. 56. a 57. a 58. c 59. d 60. b 61. d 62

    11、. d63. a 64. no, there werent. 65. gentlemen. unit 2基础过关 i. 1. secondary 2. biology 3. fortunatel 4. primary 5. safety 6. involve 7. training 8. athletics 9. absent 10. progressii. 11. have taken 12. turns 13. get 14. developing15. parents 16. best 17. training 18. has been 19. activities 20. will s

    12、tay iii. 21. b 22. a 23. c24. c 25. c 26. b 27. c28. c29. c 30. d iv. 31. yours 32. theirs 33. them 34. mine, yours 35. yours 36. hers 37. me 38. them 39. us 40. ours v. 41. yes, this is mike speaking. 42. do you go to school every day? 43. how many subjects do you have? 44. what is your favorite su

    13、bject? 45. see you! vi. 46. b 47. c48. d49. b50. c51. c52. a53. d54. b55. a vii. 56. b 57. a 58. c 59. b60. c61. a 62. c 63. c 64. d65. d 66. in australia.67. many cards.68. 2 / two.69. their parents.70. yes, they did. unit 3基础过关 i. 1. negative 2. individual 3. flexibl 4. another5. neithe 6. herself

    14、7. until 8. both 9. decided10. insteadii. 11. either; neither; can; neither; nor; can 12. neither 13. both 14. either 15. either16. none 17. all 18. both 19. none 20. all iii. 21. a 22. d23. c 24. a 25. c26. b27. d28. b29. b30. a iv. 31. good morning 32. what should i do / what can i do / can you gi

    15、ve me some advice? 33. ok. / good idea. / i think so34. please give them a hand / help them 35. its my pleasure / youre welcome / not at all / thats all right / thats ok v. 36. c 37. d38. a39. c40. b41. a42. d 43. b44. b45. a vii. 46. b 47. e 48. d 49. a 50. c 51. c 52. a 53. d 54. b 55. a 能力提升 i. 1

    16、. stands 2. secondary3. brea 4. physical 5. present 6. athletics 7. none/ neither 8. speech 9. primary 10. biology ii. 11. safety 12. fortunately13. training 14. frenc 15. danger 16. us; ourselves17. themselves 18. their 19. others 20. travelling【篇二:资源与评价英语九上答案】关 i. 1. ache 2. sugar 3. educate 4. di

    17、sadvantage 5. diet 6. advertise 7. chips 8. tasty 9. give up 10. exercise ii. 11-15: dbdbb 16-20: cdcab21-25: ccbcb 26-30: dcccb iii. 31. that/which, is 32. who/that, is 33. who/thatwe met 34. who/that stole 35. which/that can fly 36.which/that is produced 37. who/ that lives 38. whose coat is red 3

    18、9. which/that will be held 40. which/ that is iv. 41-45: baedg v. (a) 46-50: cdcbd 51-55: abbca (b) 56. keep 57. prevents 58. to eat 59. cause 60. be avoided vi. ( a ) 61-65: caadd ( b ) 66-68: bdd 能力提升 i. a. 1.agreed to 2.agreed to/ have agreed to /agree to 3.agree with 4.agreed on 5.agreed that b.

    19、 6. is interested in 7. trying her best 8. lost their lives 9. sharing, with 10 all year round ii. 11-15: bcdab 16-20: acacb 21-25: ddcac iii. 26which / that/, you , sent 27. was 28. who / that, speak 29. who / that, has 30.whose coativ. 31-35:cabfe v. 36-40: dcbac 41-45: abdab 46-50: dcadb 51-55: a

    20、bcbc vi. (a) 56. classical music. 57. because the hot water can relax our muscles. 58. because it can balance your blood sugar levels. 59. green tea. because it will help you prepare for the day ahead and feel more comfortable. 60. it can get you ready for your day, help you sleep better at night, l

    21、ower your stress level, and reduce your risk of having lots of health problems. (b ) 61-65: bcbcd vii. module 11 unit 1 基础过关 i. a. 1. crowd 2. increased 3. percent 4. along 5. population 6. smoking 7.appointment 8. thanks 9. minutes 10. environmental b. 11. 不填,不填12. the, 不填13. the 14. 不填,the 15. the

    22、,不填16. 不填,the 17. a, a 18. a, 不填 19. the, the 20. the ii. 21-25: cbdbc 26-30: dcccc 31-35: babdd iii. 36. enough space 37. envrronmental problem 38. appointment with 39. thanks to 40. twenty percent iv. 41-45: space, environmental, born, percent, government. v.46-50:cdadb 51-55:bcdaa vi. ( a ) 56-60

    23、: cdbda( b ) 61-65: baccb unit 2 基础过关i. a. 1. increased 2. thanks 3. closed 4. add 5. to live b. 6. police 7. add 8. traffic 9. fault 10. rubbish 11. suburbs 12. distance 13. crimes 14. law 15. village ii. 16-20: adccc21-25: acbcd iii.26. in the centre /middle of 27.on the edge of, in the distance 2

    24、8. adds to 29. protect, from crime 30. the same problems as iv. 31where is/how can i get to/which is the way to 32.how far (is it)/how far is it from here 33.is there a bus/can i take/catch a bus there34.go long/down this road/street 35.thank you(very much)/thanks (a lot) v.36-40: ddcba 41-45: cddab

    25、 vi. ( a ) 46-50: ttfft( b ) 51-55 cbaba unit 3 基础过关 i. a. 1. crowd 2. traffic 3. percent 4. appointment 5. increased 6.block 7. fault 8. flat 9. solve 10. cure b. 11. hundreds 12. eighth 13. third 14. twentieth 15. forty-ninth ii. 16-20:abdbc 21-25: accdc 26-30: addcc iii. 31-35: cebag iv. 36-40: c

    26、acac 41-45: ddbbc v. ( a ) 46-50: bdcab( b ) 51-55 daccd vi. 56. important 57. decided 58. law 59. should 60. punished 61. population 62. billion 63. end 64. because 65. environment 能力提升 i. a. 1.the 2. the 3.an 4. the 5.不填,the 6.the 7.a 8.an, the 9.an 10.the, the b. 11. september 12. eightieth 13. t

    27、he first 14. wednesday 15. quarters ii. 16-20: bcacb 21-25: abbdb 26-30: abcac iii. 31. take the underground to 32. takes a bus home 33. fly to london 34.take a taxi here 35. take a plane iv. 36-40 dbagf v. 41-45: cdbba 46-50: bcbbb 51-55: cbbcc vi. (a) 56-60: aacdb (b) 61. there was a big storm at

    28、sea. large waves broke over the ship. 62. because he wanted to use the trees to make a house. 63. some natives. 64. for thirty-five years. 65. no, he didnt. vii. 略 module 12 summer in la unit 1基础过关 i. 1. warm 2. accommodation 3. best 4. memories 5. recording 6. money 7. special 8. are 9. long 10. su

    29、nglassesii. 11. is 12. is 13. are 14. was 15. is 16. are 17. is 18. are 19. is 20. is iii. 21. by air/ by plane 22. a bit 23. all, are 24. happy/glad 25. when, was iv. 26-30: abbbc 31-35:ccacb v36-40: bcabc 41-45: acabb vi46-50: bcbba unit2 基础过关 i. 1. experienced 2. between 3. activities 4. create 5

    30、. arrange 6. various 7. culture 8. possible 9. fantastic 10. description ii. 11. weekly 12. the most interesting 13. paid 14. interested 15. best 16. swimming 17. shopping 18. coming 19. materials 20. likes iii. 21. go on 22. paid, for/spent, on 23. takes place 24. when do 25. apart from/ except for

    31、 iv. 26-30: acbac 31-35: ccbca v. 36-40: acbcc 41-45: cbcba 46-50: ccbaa vi. 51. because they think their children can get a wider view, less acadimic competition or family honor. 52. the culture differences and language problems./ they have to face the culture differences and language problems. 53. yes, it is. 54. yes, they do. 55. the advantages and disadvantages of studying in foreign countries. / the problems of young students studying in foreign countries. / the good or bad points


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