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    1、GreetingFormal Good morning, ladies and gentleman Good afternoon, fellow colleagues, Mr. Chairman. Thank you very much for coming along here today. Thank you for finding the time to come and join me for this presentation today.More friendly Morning, everyone. Thanks for coming. Thank you for coming

    2、today.Self-introducingFormal Let me introduce myself. My name is Id like to start by introducing myself. My name is . I am a doctoral candidate at.Less formal Im . Im a student from university.State the purpose of presentation The purpose of my presentation is to introduce This morning Id like to pr

    3、esent Today Id like to report on my study into What I would like to do today is to explain/ illustrate/ give a general overview/ have a look at What I want to do this morning is to talk to you aboutOutline the structure I will concentrate on the following points I have broken my speech down into par

    4、ts. I have divided my presentation into parts. To start with Ill describe. Then Ill mention. After that Ill consider. Finally, Ill summarize my presentation. In the first part I give a few basic definitions. In the next section I will explain. In part three, I am going to show. In the last place I w

    5、ould like to give a practical exampleVarious openings Today I am going to talk about collecting cards, a hobby that is both fascinating and financially rewarding. I would like to explain the basic kinds of collectable postcards, why they are valuable, and how collectors buy and sell their cards.Body

    6、-introducing the subject Id like to start by Lets begin by Now let us look at the first aspect which is In the first place, First of all, Ill Starting with In the first place,Body- finishing one subject Well, Ive told you about Thats all I have to say about Weve looked at So much forBody-starting an

    7、other idea Now well move on to Let me turn now to Now let us turn to Next Turning to Id like now to discuss Lets look now at The next point is that Ok, now I am going to talk about Right. Now Id like to explain However, we must not forget that But, its important to realize thatBody- giving an exampl

    8、e For example, A good example of this is As an illustration, To give you an example, To illustrate this point A case in point isBody- ordering Firstlysecondlythirdlylastly First of allthennextafter thatfinally To start withlaterto finish upBody- to rephrase In other words, Another way of saying the

    9、same thing That is to sayBody- to summarize To sum up, Let me summarize by saying To summarize, In conclusion, Briefly said, In short, What Ive tried to show in this part To recap(重申) what weve seen so farBody- to emphasize What is very important is What is important to remember Id like to emphasize

    10、 the fact that To stress/ highlight/ underline What we need to focus onBody- to refer to what you have said previously As I have already said earlier As we saw in part one To repeat what Ive said so farBody- to refer to knowledge As you all may have known It is generally accepted that As you are pro

    11、bably aware ofBody- to refer to what you will say We will see this a little later on. This will be the subject of part 3. We will go into more detail on that later.Body- to refer to what an expert says I quote the words of There is a famous quotation that goes In the words of According to Here Id li

    12、ke to quote As says in his bookConclusion Deliver a good summary. Recap the key points and provide a concise reminder of what you want the audience to remember from your presentation. You may say it differently, or repeat key words or phrases to remind listeners that youve come full circle. Thank your audience


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