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    1、外国语学院届英语专业本科毕业论文文本规范521Norm of Graduation Paper for Undergraduates in English(英语专业本科毕业论文撰写规范)I. Structure and Writing Requirements (论文结构及写作要求)Your graduation paper shall include: Chinese cover, English front page, Table of contents, (List of Tables and Figure, if necessary), English abstract and key

    2、 words, Chinese abstract and key words, main body, Bibliography, Acknowledgements, and Appendixes (if necessary). It shall be bound according to this order.A. English Front Page (英文扉页)The English front page shall include the title, the names of the author, the academic degree that the paper is for,

    3、name of the department and time. B. Table of Contents (目录)The contents table lists the major chapters and sections of the paper and the page numbers. C. Abstract and Key Words(摘要与关键词)1. AbstractAbstract is the main idea of the paper. It is a brief summary of the research you have carried out, which

    4、includes the research purpose, the methods, thesis statement, major arguments and conclusion of the research, its significance, and the framework of your thesis. It shall be clear and complete. The length of the English abstract is usually 150 words and the Chinese abstract shall be an equivalence o

    5、f the English one. The English abstract shall be put before the Chinese one.2. Key WordsKey words are provided for document retrieve. They shall cover the major terminologies used in the paper. Usually, 3 to 5 words shall be listed. The English key words shall be properly translated into Chinese.D.

    6、The Paper (论文正文)The paper includes introduction, the main body and conclusion.1. IntroductionIntroduction shall include your research question(s), research purpose, research background, methodology and significance of the research, and a brief introduction to your research which includes your thesis

    7、 statement and major arguments. It is the beginning of the paper and shall not be numbered.2. Main BodyThe main body of the paper shall be clear, coherent and logical.3. ConclusionIt is the conclusion of the research discussed in the paper. Your innovative ideas shall be emphasized. It usually inclu

    8、des the major discoveries in the research, its meaning and suggestions for further research and so on. It shall not be numbered.E. Bibliography (参考文献)The Bibliography is a list of all the sources used in your paper, arranged alphabetically by authors last name, or when there is no author, by the fir

    9、st word of the title (except A, An or The). F. Acknowledgements (致谢)The acknowledgement shows your appreciation to the persons or organizations which helped you during the research. It shall be simple, clear and sincere.II. Format and Type of the Paper (书写及打印要求)A. Typing and Binding of Paper (论文打印与装

    10、订) The whole paper including the bibliography shall be typed with double spaces between the lines (1.5倍行距 ). The rest shall be the same as the writing principles of dissertation for Bachelors Degree of HBUE.B. English Cover(英文扉页)The title shall be typed in Times New Roman (TNR) 24, bold and the rest

    11、 shall be typed in TNR 14. Go to Appendix 1 to see the sample. C. Table of Contents (目录)The contents table shall list all the parts and the page numbers, including English abstract, Chinese abstract, contents, main body, Bibliography, Acknowledgements and Appendixes. “Table of Contents” shall be typ

    12、ed in TNR 14, bold in the middle. The rest shall be typed in TNR 12. Go to Appendix 2 to see the sample.D. Abstract and Key Words(摘要与关键词) The words “Abstract” and “Key Words” shall be typed in TNR 14, bold and the content of the English abstract shall be typed in TNR 12. 中文摘要与关键词部分, “摘要”与“关键词”用四号黑体,

    13、摘要内容用五号宋体。Go to Appendix 2 to see the sample.E. The Paper (论文正文)Each part shall be typed separately. In the part and / or section titles, the initial of every substantive word shall be capitalized. 外语类论文层次代号及说明I.Middle, TNR 14, Bold1.1 Left beginning, TNR 12, Bold(1) Left beginning, TNR 12(a) Left b

    14、eginning, TNR 124 spaces at the beginning, TNR 12II.(另起一页)Middle, TNR 14, BoldF. Notes and Bibliography (注解和参考文献)1. Notes In MLA documentation style, you acknowledge your sources by keying brief parenthetical citations in your text to an alphabetical list of works (Bibliography) at the end of the pa

    15、per. The parenthetical citation that concludes the following sentence is typical of MLA style. E.g., Ancient writers attributed the invention of the monochord to Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC (Marcuse 2009: 197).The citation “(Marcuse 2009: 197)” tells readers that the information in

    16、 the sentence was derived from page 197 of a work by an author named Marcuse. If readers want more information about this source, they can turn to the Bibliography page, where under the name of Marcuse, they would find the following information:Marcuse, Sibyl. A Survey of Musical Instruments. New Yo

    17、rk: Harper, 1975.The parenthetical citation works like this:(1) Mention your source (authors last name and page number) within the text of your paper in parentheses, like this:One of the great all-time best sellers, Uncle Toms Cabin, sold over 300,000 copies in America and more than 2 million copies

    18、 world-wide (Wilson 2008: 3).(2) If you are quoting directly or if you want to stress the authority of the source you are paraphrasing, you may mention the name of the source in your sentence. Then include just the page number (or numbers) at the end in parentheses, like this:In Patriotic Gore, Edmu

    19、nd Wilson tells us that Mrs. Stowe felt “the book had been written by God” (5).(3) If you must quote indirectlysomething quoted from another source not available to youindicate this in your parenthetical reference by using “qtd. in” (for “quoted in”). The following example comes from a book written

    20、by Donald Johanson and Maitland Edey:Richard Leakeys wife, Maeve, told the pale anthropologist David Johanson, “We heard all about your bones on the radio last night” (qtd. in Johanson and Edey 2008: 162 ).(4) If you are using a source written or edited by more than three people, use only the name o

    21、f the first person listed, followed by “et al.” (meaning “and others”). E.g., Blair et al. observe that the fine arts were almost ignored by colonial writers (2009: 21).It is observed that the fine arts were almost ignored by colonial writers (Blair et al. 2009: 21). (5) If you refer to more than on

    22、e work by the same author, include a shortened title in the citation in your text like: e.g. It is noticed primary school pupils often make this mistake (Gould, Mismeasured 138).(6) If the authors name is not given, then use a shortened title instead. In your abbreviation, be sure to use at least th

    23、e first word of the full title to send the reader to the proper alphabetized entry on your Bibliography page. The following is a reference to a newspaper article entitled “Ramifications of Baboon Use Expected to Become, an Issue”: The doctor observed that some people objected to the transplant on gr

    24、ounds that were emotional rather than rational (“Ramifications” A23).(7) If you are quoting more than four typed lines, you shall indent the quotation 5 spaces on both sides and omit the quotation marks. Cite the page number in parentheses two spaces after the period. E.g., About Nora in Ibsens A Do

    25、lls House, Liv Ullman writes,She says goodbye to everything that is familiar and secure. She does not walk through the door to find somebody else to live with and for; she is leaving the house more insecure than she ever realized she could be. But she hopes to find out who she is and why she is. She

    26、 is facing with the problem of finding out her own identity. (2009: 263)2. BibliographyThe following models will help you write Bibliography entries for most of the sources you will use. Your references shall be listed according to alphabetic order by the authors last name.(1) BooksCommon entry:Auth

    27、ors last name, first name. Title of the book. city of Publication: Publishing House, year of publication.(a) Book by one authorJames. C. Errors in Language Learning and Use: Exploring Error Analysis M, Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.(b) Two or more books by the same author

    28、 Gould, Stephen Jay. The Mismeasure Of man M. New York: Norton, 1981. -, The Pandas Thumb: More Reflections in Natural History M. New York: Norton, 1980.-, ed. Sound and Poetry M. New York: Columbia UP, 1957.(c) Book by 2 or more authors 2 authors:First authors last name, first name, and second auth

    29、ors full name. Note: Only the first authors last name is put before his first name. Title of the book. city of Publication: Publishing House, year of publication.Cross, Susan, and Christine Hoffman. Bruce Nauman: Theaters of Experience M. New York: Guggenheim Museum; London: Thames & Hudson, 2004.Eg

    30、gins, Suzanne, and Diane Slade. Analyzing Casual Conversation M. London: Cassell, 1997.3 authors:Brusaw, Charles W., Gerald J. Alfred, and Walter E. Oliu. The Business Writers Handbook M. New York: St. Martins, 1976.more than three authors Sheridan, Marion C., et al. The Motion Picture and the Teach

    31、ing of English M. New York: Appleton, 1965. The phrase “et al.” is an abbreviation for “et alii,” meaning “and others.”(d) Book by an anonymous author Beowulf M. Trans. Kevin CrossleyHolland. New York: Farrar, 1968.Encyclopedia of Virginia M. New York: Somerset, 1993.(e) Book with an editor, transla

    32、tor or compilerZaranka, William, ed. The BrandX Anthology of Poetry M. Cambridge: AppleWood, 1981. For a book with two or more editors, use “eds.”De Beauvoir, Simone. The Second Sex M. Trans. H. M. Parshley. New York: Knopf, 1971.Sevilano, Mando, comp. The Hopi Way: Tales from a Vanishing Culture M. Flagstaff: Northland, 1986.(f) Book with an editor, transla


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