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    1、学年上海市闵行区七宝中学高一第一学期月考卷含答案和分析版2018-2019学年上海市闵行区七宝中学高一第一学期10月月考卷(含答案和分析版). Grammar(15分)Section A Multiple choice21. It is the first time that I_such a wonderful building.A. saw B. is seeing C. have seen D. had seen 【答案】C 【分析】考查固定搭配句型It is the first/second/third. time that+现完从句,故选C22. The year 2002 _ re

    2、markable changes in Shanghais landscape.A. sees B. has seen C. saw D. had seen 【答案】C 【分析】2002这一年为单数,在2002年见证上海风景引人注目的变化,故选C23. Efforts to stop smoking in public areas _ in Hangzhou in recent weeks.A. made B. have been made C. have been making D. are making 【答案】B【分析】主语为efforts,to stop smoking in publ

    3、ic ares为不定式做后置定语来修饰,in recent weeks要用现完,故选B24. Mary _ as a photographer for five years in the club, and now she is the CEO.A. has served B. had served C. served D. serves【答案】C 【分析】现在是CEO,所以前面不能用现完,现完是以后还会继续保持,故选C25. “A man who _ fault with others is not perfect himself, for he has no time to make a

    4、self-criticism.” said Buddha.A. always found B. is always finding C. has always found D. had always found【答案】B 【分析】现在进行时+always表示“总是,经常”,常带有抱怨语气,故选B26. How long do you think it will be before another aircraft carrier_ in China?A. build B. will build C. is built D. will be built【答案】C【分析】考查句型It will b

    5、e +一段时间+before+一般现在时,another aircraft carrier是被建造,故选C27. People generally think that fairness and justice are at the center of_they are striving for.A. how B. why C. which D. what【答案】D 【分析】what引导的宾语从句,故选D28. -I have a sore throat today! -Youd better take advantage of the tea break to go to _.A. chem

    6、ists B. the chemist C. the chemists D. the chemists【答案】C 【分析】the chemists表示诊所,故选C29. Never before _ in greater need of modern public transport than it is today.A. has this city been B. this city has beenB. was this city D. this city was【答案】A 【分析】before要用现完,Never提前要用部分倒装,故选ASection BDirections: Read

    7、the following passage. For the blanks with a given verb, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given verb. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.This Is Why You Should Never, Ever Use the Hotel Hair DryerIt will take more than the average bottle of hand sanitizer to avoid _3

    8、0_(get) sick on your next vacation. Can you guess the biggest hygiene(卫生的)problem during your trip? Surprisingly, it isnt germy(带有细菌的)public restrooms. When it comes to staying healthy on the road, you might want to start with where you sleep. Yes-your hotel room_31_(host) invisible germs(细菌)and bac

    9、teria. And according to an investigation by ABC, you should be particularly concerned with the germs in your hair dryer. Cooperating with microbiologist Chuck Gerba, ABC_32_(collect) items in nine different Los Angeles-area hotels. In terms of hygiene, hair dryers turned out to be the dirtiest. “The

    10、re must be something you can do with a hair dryer that I am not aware of, because some of them were pretty germy.” Gerba said. Although state laws require that hotels clean the obvious areas like toilets and drinking glasses, the same cant be said for less evident items such as hair dryers. As a res

    11、ult, those items_33_(not clean) by house keeping as often, and most could go days, weeks, months, or even years without ever being disinfected(消毒). Unfortunately, even those willing _34_(spend) out a couple hundred bucks for a luxury suite cant rest easy. The hotels used in the experiment ranged in

    12、price from 98 to 500 per night-and they all came up short for cleanliness. That isnt the only germ-ridden spot in your hotel room, either. New research recommends that everyone never, ever take a bath in a hotel tub. Looks like we_35_(wipe) down(擦干净) our entire hotel room from now on. 【答案】30.getting

    13、 31.hosts 32.collected 33.arent cleaned 34.to spend 35.will wipe【分析】30.缺avoid的宾语,avoid doing sth.,避免生病,故填getting31.缺your hotel room的谓语,讲述的是现在的一个事实,故填hosts32.缺ABC的谓语,后面谓语用的是turned过去,故填collected33.缺those items的谓语,后面有by,是没有被清理,故填arent cleaned34.be willing to do,故填to spend35.缺we的谓语,后面有from now on从现在起,用将

    14、来时,故填will wipe.Vocabulary (30分,1.5分一题)Directions: Complete the passage with the words given in the table. Each word can be used only once. There is an extra one that you will find no use for. A. opposite B. raised C. purchase D. congratulating AB. expressing AC. nervous AD. different BC. communicate

    15、 BD. conveyed CD. offence ABC. confusionBody language If you saw a father patting his son on the back while smiling happily, what would you think was going on? You would probably think that the father was_36_ his son on doing something well, maybe passing an exam or winning a race. You would know wh

    16、at was going on because you understood the messsage _37_ by the fathers body language. Across the world, a pet on the back and a smile usually means “well done”. Body language is used every single day by people of different nationalities all over the world. It is a language without words that consis

    17、ts of gestures, facial expressions and body movements that greatly add to -and sometimes even replace-spoken language. Body language is used to _38_both attitudes and feelings from affection to anger just like any other language, but it differs from spoken language as it is not always explicit. Some

    18、body jumping for joy is easy to see while a(n)_39_eyebrow conveying doubt is easier to miss. Learning to be aware of your body language can be a very useful tool. For example, in a job interview, you will probably be feeling _40_but you wont want to appear to be in a stay of being unrest. You will w

    19、ant to appear calm with as much dignity as possible. Merely by uncrossing your arms, you will look more confident. Body language can be very useful when people do not share a common spoken language. For example, in foreign countries, it is very easy to _41_something simply by smiling and pointing at

    20、 what you want. On the other hand, you can also easily show what you dont like by shaking your head. You can negotiate the price by using your fingers and even ask questions by using your hand to outline the shapes of things you want-although this can cause_42_and a few laughs too! However, body lan

    21、guage can sometimes be ambiguous. Although every culture around the world uses the same gestures and expressions, they use them in _43_ ways. For example, an American tourist at a German hotel might give an “OK”sign by making a circle with his fingers. Unlike in American where this sign means everyt

    22、hing is fine, in German, this gesture can cause_44_. Another example is that in most cultures to nod ones head means “no” while in some cultures the_45_is true! Regardless of these differences, experts agree that across the globe there is one form of body language that receives universal approval-th

    23、e smile. Smiling has a high success rate so never be afraid to use it-even when youre nervous -and especially in foreign countries! 【答案】36.D 37.BD 38.BC 39.B 40.AC 41.C 42.ABC 43.AD 44.CD 45.A【分析】36.was doing sth.,“爸爸正在恭喜他的儿子做了一些较好的事情”,故选D,congratulate sb on sth,因某事恭喜某人37.done做后置定语,“因为你可以理解被爸爸的肢体语言所

    24、传送的那个信息”,故选BD,convey传送,输送38.be used to do被用来做某事,缺动词原形,“肢体语言就像任何一种语言,被用来沟通态度和感觉,从喜爱到愤怒”,故选BC,communicate沟通,交流39.a.eyebrow,缺形容词,“一个上扬的眉毛传送着怀疑,这点容易被错过”,故选B,raise抬起40.feel+adj.,缺形容词,“举个例子,在一场工作的面试中,你可能会感到紧张”,故选AC,nervous紧张的41.It is easy to do,缺动词原形,“举个例子,在国外,通过微笑和指向你想要的东西,这样就很容易购买物品”,故选C,purchase购买42.ca

    25、use sth,缺名词,“尽管这会引起疑惑和一些笑话”,故选ABC,confusion疑惑43.in.ways,缺形容词,“用不同的方式去使用他们”,故选AD,different不同的44.cause sth,缺名词,“在德国,这个手势会引起冒犯”,故选CD,offence冒犯45.the后面缺名词,“在某些文化中相反的意思才正确”,故选A,opposite对面的A.meaning B. doubt C.shame D. determination AB. tTalented AC. fortunately AD. thought BC. focuses BD.saw CD. remember

    26、ed ABC. remarkable Edson Arantes do Nascimento, or as the world knows him, Pele (1940-), is thought by many to be one of the greatest ever soccer players.The Brazilian star is _46_ as the brightest light of the wonderful Brazilian national teams of the 1960s. To his hundreds of fans, his ball skills

    27、 made him seem more like a magician(魔术师) than a sportsman.But Pele played his final match for Brazil in 1971, nearly half a century ago, _47_ that some young people today may not know who this man is. If so, that is a _48_, since not only should his amazing talents never be forgotten, but his _49_ l

    28、ife and character should be remembered too._50_ there is now a movie about exceptional individual. Pele: Birth of Legend, which came out in Chinese mainland cinemas on Sep 7, _51_ on the early life of Pele up to the 1958 World Cup.In spite of his later fame (名气), Pele grew up in poverty. His mother

    29、worked as a maid and, as a kid, Pele contributed to(贡献 )the family by serving in teashops. In his childhood, Pele was so poor that his only toy was a stone in a sock, and he was often laughed at by other kids. Without a _52_ Pele was in part motivated(激发) to show people that he was more than just a

    30、boy from a poor family.The 1950 World Cup, which _53_ Brazil beaten by Uruguay, also led to Peles determination to turn things around for his national team. And as a new player for Brazil in the 1958 World Cup, the _54_ Pele finally put things right for his country.Pele: Birth of a legend shows all

    31、the trials and the tribulations of a young Pele. To be sure, Pele had bags of natural talent, but without the _55_ and perseverance(毅力)to deal with all the problems life threw in his path , he would never have succeeded. His achievement is a monument (丰碑) to willpower. As a mentor(导师) in the movie Pele as a child, if “you want to play professionally, you cannot be ashamed of who you are.”【答案】46.CD 47.A 48.C 49.ABC 50.AC 51.BC 52.B 53.BD 54.AB 55.D 【分析】46.“被纪念为”,故选CD,be remembered as47.“但是Pele最后一场比赛是在1971年,几乎半个世纪以前,意味着如今很多年轻人都不太知道这个人是谁”,故选A,mean意


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