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    1、英语语音讲义新东方语音教练与实用语音学的结合音素篇1. i: 发音方法:舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起;舌两侧抵住上牙两侧;舌肌肉保持紧张;嘴唇向两侧伸开呈扁平形。字母与发音:ehe me be eesheep green fee easeat steam mean ieachieve believe belief eireceive conceit deceit跟读练习:see; key; eat; seize; equal; easy; need; thief; she; piece朗读歌谣:See the Breeze/ Teasing the tree,/ Weaving the leaves/

    2、 And shaking them free.2. i发音方法: 舌前部向硬腭抬起比i:低;舌两侧抵住上牙两侧;舌头肌肉松弛;嘴唇向两旁伸开字母与发音:i: pity wish officey: lily rhythm bicyclee: remain ticket delay跟读练习:this; baby; depend; little; lonely; expect; trip; taxi; lazy; bill朗读歌谣:Silly Billy! Silly Billy! / Why is Silly Billy silly? / Silly Billy hid a shilling. /

    3、Isnt Silly Billy silly?3. e发音方法:嘴唇向两侧微分,上下齿大约可以容纳一个小指尖的距离;舌尖轻抵下齿背;舌前部微微拱起字母与发音:e-check bed netea-dead heaven health跟读练习:letter; instead; desk; feather; enter; breath; deaf; fresh; ten; ahead朗读歌谣:Good, better, best, / Never let it rest, / Till good is better, / And better best.4. 发音方法:舌尖抵下齿背;舌前部稍向硬腭抬

    4、起;嘴唇尽量向两侧分开,上下齿间可容纳食指和中指两个手指的宽度。字母与发音:aapple mad cash跟读练习:bank; hand; man; flash; ant; matter; clash; black; ash; carry朗读歌谣:Chatter, chatter, / What a clatter! / Clap your hands, / It doesnt matter!5. :发音方法:舌身放平,舌中部伸向硬腭,但不要接触,舌部肌肉紧张;双唇稍张开位置与i:相似。字母与发音:er: certain nervous serveir: skirt dirty sirur:

    5、nurse purse furw后or: worship worth wormear: early earn earth跟读练习:shirt; refer; return; world; learn; search; church; girl; worse; expert朗读歌谣:Worms squirm in the earth / When first is heard / The murmur and chirp / Of the early bird.6. 发音方法:舌身放平,嘴微微张开;舌中部伸向硬腭,不要与之接触,舌位比:略低;口部肌肉、舌一定要放松字母与发音:A: along b

    6、anana aboutE: open president studentO: today second politeU: support industry suggestOr: factor humor professor Er: meter mother speaker跟读练习:number center mature culture polar朗读歌谣:Butter and sugar and eggs and flour, / Beat them again for half an hour, /Bake the cake for an hour or more, /But you ne

    7、ver must open the oven door.7. u:发音方法:舌身后缩,舌尖离开下齿;舌后部向软腭抬起,但不要接触;嘴部肌肉收紧。字母与发音:oo : school fool zooo: lose movie proveu: pollute rule rulerew: chew jewel threwui: fruit juice cruiseoe: canoe shoeou: through soup group跟读练习: June; soon; crew; ruin; whose; move; pool; routine; root; food歌谣朗读:At noon I t

    8、ook a book, / And sat by the pool in the wood. / And put my foot in the pool, / Oh! How cool! 8. u发音方法:舌身后缩,舌尖离开下齿;舌后部向软腭抬起,舌位比发u:时要低;双唇收圆,稍稍向外突出。字母与发音:oo 在k前:cook shoot lookoul 在重读音节中:should would couldu: put sugar pull跟读练习:cook; careful; good; woman; outlook; awful; wood; hook; bull; footstep歌谣朗读:

    9、Look, look, / The good old cook, / Took out the pudding, / Look, look, look.9. 发音方法:舌中部向硬腭抬起,不要与之接触;舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿;开口程度与相似,双唇向两旁平展。字母与发音:o 在m,n,v,th前 :love some nonu 重读闭音节: drug under hurryou 重读闭音节: touch enough couple跟读练习:son; lunch; trouble; ugly; money; luck; rough; brother; country; just歌谣朗读:Oh, wh

    10、at fun! / A nice plum bun, / How I wish / For another one!10. :发音方法:舌后部抬起,双唇收圆并向前突出。字母与发音:al :talk ball fallau:cause taught Augustaw: law draw awfulor: border order noroar: blackboard soar roarore: before store moreoor: door floorar在w后: war warn warmou在ght前:fought brought ought跟读练习:small; doorbell;

    11、north; daughter; form; fault; shore; towards; flaw; coarse歌谣朗读:Good morning to all who walk, / Good morning to all who crawl, / Good morning to all who soar, / Or swim, good morning I call, / To broad and to small. To short and to fall, / Good morning, good morning to all.11. 发音方法:将嘴张大,舌身降低后缩,双唇稍稍收圆

    12、。发音要短促有力。字母与发音:o:hot dot noda在w, wh后:want wash what跟读练习:sorry; wasp; job; wander; dog; hospital; orange; sock; drop; swallow歌谣朗读:Froggy-boggy sat on a rock; / Froggy-boggy had a great shock! / Froggy-boggy fell of the top, / Into the pond he fell with a plop.12. a:发音方法:张大嘴巴;舌身后缩,舌尖远离下齿;长元音,不要发的太短字母与

    13、发音:al在f或m前:calm half palmar 在其他重读音节中: arctic spark partya在f, n, ss, sp, st前: fast class last跟读练习:after; car; pass; calf; answer; garden; grass; alarm; bath; hard歌谣朗诵:Past barges and carts, / Past harbors and farms, / The cars go darting by; / Till after dark their sparkling lights, / Startle the sta

    14、rry sky.13. ei发音方法: 先发e,然后慢慢滑向i,嘴成半圆形,张得比:开,结束发音时,腭部慢慢抬起,嘴唇慢慢合上,可以感觉到舌部肌肉紧张。字母与发音:a: fate same famousai: laid main rainay: pay day mayei: neighbor weight eight跟读练习:make; eighteen; way; plain; play; table; fail; say; again; age歌谣朗诵:Work while you work, / Play while you play, / That is the way, / To b

    15、e happy and gay.14. ai发音方法:先发a:的音,然后慢慢滑向i;发音时双唇张开,腭部慢慢抬起,发音结束时嘴唇慢慢合上,舌部肌肉放松。字母与发音:i: wild shine niney: shy by ly跟读练习:like; cry; find; July; nice; try; right; dry; climb; reply歌谣朗读:Work while you work, / Play while you play, / That is the way, / To be happy and gay.15. i发音方法:先发的音,然后慢慢滑向i;下颌张开,嘴唇略成圆形,

    16、稍微向外突出;舌前部收缩,舌后部向软腭抬起但不要接触;嘴巴合拢,双唇向两侧分开;舌身放松前探,舌尖轻触下齿,舌前部微微抬起。字母与发音:oy: toy joy boyoi: voice coin join跟读练习:enjoy; boil; employ; poison; destroy; toilet; royal; disappoint; avoid; soil歌谣朗读:Boys, boys, / What a noise / Get your toy, / Boys, boys.16. au发音方法:先嘴巴放松张大,嘴唇向两侧分开。舌身放平,舌尖轻抵下齿,发a:; 然后嘴巴收圆合拢,舌尖离

    17、开下齿,舌身后缩,舌后部向软腭抬起发音慢慢滑向u。字母与发音:ou: mouse out groundow: crowd cow how跟读练习:house; brown; mouth; power; loud; allow; proud; now; about; bow歌谣朗读:The way to London / Which is the way to London town, / Somebody asked me, a man in brown, / One foot up, the other foot down, / Thats the way to London town. 1

    18、7. u发音方法:舌后部向软腭抬起,不要与之接触;开始时嘴型呈半圆并稍向前突出;结束时,腭部慢慢抬起,嘴唇慢慢合上字母与发音:o: smoke so codeoa: boat coat goatoe: woe toe hoeow: yellow grow跟读练习:old; low; goal; throw; toast; over; road; post; bone; snow歌谣朗读:Slowly, sowly, slowly, / Up the hill we blow. / Rolling, rolling, rolling, / Down the hill, we go.18. i发音

    19、方法:先发i然后很快滑向;发i时注意要用扁平唇,最不要张得太大,以免发成e或者;发音过程中口型始终是半开的。字母与发音:ear: rear near clearere: here sincere atmosphereea: area real ideaeer: sneer deer cheer跟读练习:hear; theatre; sphere; steer; dear; sheer; clear; Korean; fear; ear歌谣朗读:Do you hear, / My little dear, / The bells are ringing, / In your ears.19. 发

    20、音方法:先发前元音e, 同时舌尖轻触下齿;然后很快滑向音;发言过程中双唇半开。字母与发音:are: share dare careair: repair air hairear: bear wear pearere: where there跟读练习:rare; therefore; affair; stare; stair; anywhere; pair; ware; chair; compare歌谣朗读:Big bear, / Sit in a chair, / And eat a pear, / While we stare.20. u发音方法:先发u的音,然后慢慢滑向注意口型从开始的收圆

    21、到最后的半开的变化过程。字母与发音:our: touroor: moor poorure: surely ensure跟读练习:insure; moor; tour; cruel; rural; poorly; cruelly; poor; sure; tourism歌谣朗读:Poor Moore, / Poor Moore! / Are you sure / He is touring the moor?21. p发音方法:紧闭双唇,阻止气流流出;突然分开双唇,气流冲出口腔,同时发出爆破的声音;发音时,声带不震动。字母与发音:p: pig lip mappp: apple happen su

    22、pper跟读练习:pardon; support; Japan; opposite; keep; happy; top; shopping; captain; supply歌谣朗读:Skip, skip, / Jump the rope; / But we hop and play, / And jump all day, / So skip, skip, skip!22. b发音方法:先将双唇紧闭,憋住气,然后突然分开双唇,气流冲出口腔,同时发出爆破的声音;发音时,送气力量较弱,声带振动。字母与发音:b: big bat bitebb: rubbish hobby rubber跟读练习:bo

    23、ttle; cabbage; object; bag; bet; October; best; back; describe; rubble歌谣朗读:New blouse, blue blouse, / Little Blanche blushing shy, / New blue, true blue, / Matching our Blanches eye.23. t发音方法:舌尖先紧贴上齿龈,憋气,舌尖迅速下降,使气流冲出口腔,从而形成爆破音,但声带不振动。字母与发音:t: sit take hittt: little cotton buttered: watched missed la

    24、ughed跟读练习:it; shocked; tall; settle; after; looked; matter; stamped; paint; attach歌谣朗读:Feet, take me east, / Feet, take me west; / Feet, take me home again / To tea and let me rest.24. d发音方法:主音与t相同,舌尖紧贴上齿龈,憋气;舌尖迅速下降,使气流冲出口腔,送气的力量较弱,声带振动。字母与发音:d: day dear minddd: sudden middle odded: lived calmed cha

    25、nged跟读练习:today; wedding; saved; goddess; doctor; delayed; red; ladder; turned; spend歌谣朗读:Daffy-down-dilly dance, / Dances all the day, / Did you dance in the dewy dawn, / Daffy-down-dilly, say?25. k发音方法:舌后部隆起,紧贴软腭,憋住气;舌后部迅速降低,使气流冲出口腔;发音时,声带不震动。字母与发音:k: like keep milkc: cat come coolck: lock cock moc

    26、kch: ache school chemical跟读练习:thank; anchor; kite; pocket; costume; back; fork; knock; close; stomach歌谣朗读:Buttercups and kingcups / And cowslips too; / Im picking them all / For a bouquet for you.26. g发音方法:先将舌后部隆起,紧贴软腭,憋住气,舌后部迅速降低,使气流冲出口腔,发音时,声带振动。字母与发音:g: game glade girlgg: egg luggage beggar跟读练习:g

    27、et; stagger; ugly; drug; gold; signal; iceberg; wriggle; gift; struggle歌谣朗读:Where are you going, big pig, big pig? / Im going to dig in the garden. / In the garden to dig! / Disgraceful pig! / Beg pardon, maam, beg pardon.27. s发音方法:气流通道收窄,舌前端抬起,靠近齿龈,但不要贴住;气流由舌端与齿龈见之间的窄缝中泄出,发音时,声带不振动。字母与发音:s: sit smi

    28、le busss: pass mass lessonc: ice nice citysc: scent scene science跟读练习:same; office; case; guess; list; race; miss; cinema; message; size歌谣朗读:Did you see the snake as it slid through the grass?Yes, yes, we saw it pass.Did you see it suddenly stop and hiss and strike?Yes, we saw it hiss,And strike onc

    29、e more, and the grasses sway,As swift and silent it slithered away.28. z发音方法:舌端抬起,靠近齿龈,但不要贴住;气流由舌端与齿龈之间的窄缝中泄出,发音时声带振动。字母与发音:z: zoo zero prizes: rose his pleasezz: puzzle dizzy jazzx: Xerox xylophone跟读练习:lazy; busy; puzzled; reason; zip; size; buzz; cheese; result; magazine歌谣朗读:We drowse and doze und

    30、er the trees / In a mazy haze on days like these, / Dizzied with sounds of sheep that browse, / And lazy sounds or grazing cows, / And buzz of busy bees, whose sound / Make lazier laziness around.29. 发音方法:舌端抬起,靠近齿龈后部,但不要贴住;舌身抬起,靠近上腭,形成狭长的通道;双唇略微向前突出略成长方形;发声时声带不振动。字母与发音:sh: shut wish shames在u前: sure sugar surelyss在单词后缀中: assure pressure Russiaci在单词后缀中: social special ancientti在单词后缀中: national station action跟读练习:short; official; patient; show; expression; dish; commission; relation; precious; caption歌谣朗读:A dish


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