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    山东省青岛市高考英语 完形填空阅读理解训练题2.docx

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    山东省青岛市高考英语 完形填空阅读理解训练题2.docx

    1、山东省青岛市高考英语 完形填空阅读理解训练题2青岛市2014高考英语完形填空、阅读理解训练题(2)及答案阅读理解专题-猜词悟义 一、题型特点与解题技巧在英语阅读中, 利用上下文或句子结构猜测词义是学生必备的阅读能力之一。培养猜测词义的能力,不仅有助于提高阅读速度,扩大词汇量, 还能增强学习英语的信心。 一、巧借生词本身 在英语文章中, 一些人名、地名、节日等专有名词不影响理解,对它们可就词论词,不必猜测词义。例如. 1.The largest spider in the world is the goliath tarantula. 2.Held on a farm, the Glastonb

    2、ury festival is the most well-known and popular in the U.K.二、巧用上下文信息 在阅读中, 可根据上下文的语境暗示, 运用逻辑推理来猜测生词词义。例如: 1.He is a resolute man. Once he sets up a goal, he will not give up easily.2.The female mosquito is a vampire and lives on blood. 三、利用同义词或近义词 为使自己的意思表达得更清楚, 作者通常用其同义词或近义词来解释难词。例如: 1.Mother was t

    3、all, fat and middle -aged. The principal of the school was an old woman, almost as plump as mother, and much shorter. 2.All the members are of the same opinions. They are unanimous. 四、运用定义或释义 阅读中会遇到一些不熟悉的术语。为帮助读者理解,作者常用一个句子或一个段落来说明其内涵。对术语下定义的句子往往出现在段首,也是主题句。有时整个段落、甚至整篇文章都围绕这一定义展开。因而, 借助作者的定义或释义推断词义是

    4、最直接的办法。例如: 1.The enemy soldiers surrendered, that is, threw their weapons and walked out with their hands above their heads. 2.The word ecology means the study of the relationship between living things and their surroundings. 用来表示定义或释义的提示语有:mean, refer to, be defined as, be described as, be known as

    5、, be called, be termed, that is, or, in other words等。 五、巧用构词法 阅读中可运用合成、转化、派生等构词法知识来猜测词义。通过分析词缀及词根,不仅可猜测单词含义,还有利于扩大词汇量。例如: 1.They overestimate the interviewers ability and asked him many difficult questions.2.Take out all removable parts and wash them with warm water. 掌握一些常见词缀及含义。如:形容词后缀有-ful, -less,

    6、 -y, -ing,-able等; 名词后缀有- or, - er, - tion, - ist,- th, -ment, -age, -ness等;构成反义词的前缀有un-, dis-. in-,im-, ir-, non-等。 有特定意义的词缀有re-( 重新,再),co-(合作的),anti-(反对的),over-(过高的),micro-(微型的),fore-(超前的),inter-(国际的,相互的),pre-(先前的,提前的),super-(超级的),tele-(远)等。 六、巧借标点符号 有时为了让读者更清楚文中某个词或短语的含义,作者经常借助标点符号( 如括号、破折号、冒号、逗号等

    7、) 直接为生词提供定义或解释。例如: 1.In Russia if we give flowers as a present, we have to give an odd number of them (one, three, five, etc) because even number of flowers (two, four, six, etc)are for funerals.2.One of the tourists has just been bluejackedsecretly sent a test message using short-range wireless tec

    8、hnology called bluetooth. 七、妙用对比词 在文章中, 作者有时会运用一些相互对应、互为反义的词语,使不同事物的特点更为突出。我们可以通过上下文的逻辑关系, 透过两种事物或现象的对比描述, 从其中一个熟悉的词反推出生词词义。例如: 1.Most of us agreed, however, Bill dissented.2.Her voice was usually soft and sweet, but now it is hoarse. 表示对比、转折的标志词通常有yet, but, however, otherwise, despite, even though,

    9、 unlike, instead, rather than, on the other hand, on the contrary等。 八、找准信息词 通常情况下, 某些单词或短语所引出的内容可起到解释说明的作用,能帮助我们理解生词的含义。这样的信号词有:for example, for instance, such as, namely, and, like ( 像), especially, include, consist of等。 1.Many United Nations employees are polyglots, Mrs. White, for example, speaks

    10、 five languages.2.But, on the other hand, we have such compound words as handshake and handbag. 九、巧借经验和常识 在阅读理解中结合自己的经验和社会常识, 往往也能有效地推断出生词的含义。如: 1.When you have tanks of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. 2.In the old days, when girls from rich families were married to the

    11、ir husbands, they expected to bring with them a large quantity of dowry. 根据生活经验猜测词义时, 要注意观察同一生词是否在文章中其他地方出现,把两处的语境进行比较,更容易准确地猜出词义。 十、巧用因果关系 不同的原因导致不同的结果; 反之,由结果也能够分析出原因。我们可以巧用因果关系来推测词义。例如: 1.Since I could not afford to buy the original painting, I bought a replica. An inexperienced eye could not tel

    12、l the difference. 2.He was so infuriated that he tore the letters into pieces.表示因果关系的标志词有because ,so, thus, due to, result in/from,as a result(of)等。 十一、活用语法知识 有些语法知识如定语从句和同位语等进一步说明的作用,可以帮助推断词义。例如: 1.He was a prestidigitator who amused the children by pulling rabbits out of hats, swallowing fire, and

    13、 other similar tricks. 2.Do you have any proof that he is a thief? 十二、注意指示代词和人称代词等 There are pressing calls on the resources of the government. Using taxpayers money to help a small number of people to earn high incomes in the future is not one of them. ( 2010北京) 一般说来it, they, this等指代的都是上文提到的人或事,但一定

    14、按句意判断是上文哪个词。总之,我们要坚持“词不离句, 句不离文” 的原则, 在上下文的紧密联系中猜测词义。此外,还要训练带着问题, 按意群、句子去阅读, 不要把注意力集中在某个单词或短语上,这样既能加快阅读速度,又能把注意力集中在内容的理解上, 从而养成良好的阅读习惯。Plants cant communicate by moving or making sounds, as most animals do. Instead, plants produce volatile compounds,chemicals that easily change from a liquid to a ga

    15、s. A flower s sweet smell, for example, comes from volatile compounds that the plant produces to attract insects such as bugs and bees.Plants can also detect volatile compounds produced by other plants.A tree under attack by hungry insects, for instance, may give off volatile compounds that let othe

    16、r trees know about the attack. In response, the other trees may send off chemicals to keep the bugs away or even chemicals that attract the bugs natural enemies.Now scientists have created a quick way to understand what plants are saying: a chemical sensor(传感器) called an electronic nose. The “e nose

    17、” can tell compounds that crop plants make when theyre attacked.Scientists say the e nose could help quickly detect whether plants are being eaten by insects. But today the only way to detect such insects is to visually inspect individual plants. This is a challenging task for managers of greenhouse

    18、s ,enclosed gardens that can house thousands of plants.The research team worked with an e nose that recognizes volatile compounds. Inside the device, 13 sensors chemically react with volatile compounds. Based on these interactions, the e nose gives off electronic signals that the scientists analyze

    19、using computer software.To test the nose, the team presented it with healthy leaves from cucumber, pepper and tomato plants, all common greenhouse crops. Then the scientists collected samples of air around damaged leaves from each type of crop. These plants had been damaged by insects, or by scienti

    20、sts who made holes in the leaves with a hole punch (打孔器)The e nose, it turns out, could identify healthy cucumber,pepper and tomato plants based on the volatile compounds they produce. It could also identify tomato leaves that had been damaged. But even more impressive, the device could tell which t

    21、ype of damage by insects or with a hole punch had been done to the tomato leaves.With some fine tuning,a device like the e nose could one day be used in greenhouses to quickly spot harmful bugs, the researchers say. A device like this could also be used to identify fruits that are perfectly ripe and

    22、 ready to pick and eat, says Natalia Dudareva, a biochemist at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind. who studies smells of flowers and plants. Hopefully, scientists believe, the device could bring large benefits to greenhouse managers in the near future.语篇解读植物会说话吗?植物如何“交流”?本文中的科学家们正在尝试用e nose来测试

    23、植物受到伤害时的反应。1We learn from the text that plants communicate with each other by_.A. making some soundsB. waving their leavesC. producing some chemicalsD. sending out electronic signals解析事实细节题。从文章第一段中的“Instead,plants produce volatile compounds,chemicals that.”可知,植物通过它本身所产生的一种化学物质来进行交流,所以答案选C。答案C2What d

    24、id the scientists do to find out if the e nose worked?A. They presented it with all common crops.B. They fixed 13 sensors inside the device.C. They collected different damaged leaves.D. They made tests on damaged and healthy leaves.解析逻辑推理题。从文章第五段可知,为了证实e nose的效果,科学家用受到伤害的叶子与健康的叶子来测试。所以选D。答案D3Accordi

    25、ng to the writer, the most amazing thing about the e nose is that it can_.A. pick out ripe fruitsB. spot the insects quicklyC. distinguish different damages to the leavesD. recognize unhealthy tomato leaves解析事实细节题。从倒数第二段中的“But even more impressive,the device could tell which type of damage.”可知,最令人惊奇

    26、的是e nose能够分辨叶子受到的不同的“伤害”。答案C4We can infer from the last paragraph that the e nose_.A. is unable to tell the smell of flowersB. is not yet used in greenhousesC. is designed by scientists at PurdueD. is helpful in killing harmful insects解析逻辑推理题。从文章最后一段中的“could one day be used in greenhouses to.”推断可知,e

    27、 nose还没有运用到greenhouses中,由此推断B是答案。答案B*结束每日一句Though he knew it was such an exciting football match that he couldnt miss it, he felt too tired to insist on watching it.虽然他知道这是场不能错过的足球赛,但他太累了以至于无法坚持看下去。基础词汇强化练习1. Do Americans need v_ to visit Canada?2. Experience in a related field is a _(要求) for this j

    28、ob.3. I take _(安慰) from the fact that his friends are there to help him.4. Passengers may b_ the ship at 4:00 p. m.5. Money is no s_ for happiness.6. Britain is g_ by Prime Minister and the Cabinet.7. Was going to college a good p_ for your career?8. The country is a_ in natural resources.9. The tea

    29、cher r_ the students to read the following books.10. The students attended a history l_ today.参考答案1. visas2. requirement3. comfort 4. board5. substitute6. governed 7. preparation8. abundant9. recommended 10. lecture书面表达经典句式强化记忆196. It takes / took / will take sb. some time / money to do sth.某人花/花了/将

    30、花多长时间/多少钱做某事. It took me years of hard work to speak good English.为了讲一口流利的英语,我花了多年时间刻苦操练. 197. It wasnt untilthat. 直到才.It wasnt until yesterday that I got your letter. 我直到昨天才收到你的来信.198.It would be wonderful if. 如果那就太好了.It would be wonderful if we can get together on Christmas. 如果圣诞节我们能聚一聚那就太好了.书面表达经

    31、典朗读素材汇报学习成绩(A Report of Results in Studies)Dear Pa and Ma,Two months have passed quickly since I came back to school. I miss you very much, and I hope the letter will give you a little pleasure.Do you still remember that I was rather poor in maths in Grade One? You were so disappointed that you always blamed me. Now with the help of my teachers and classmates, and also because of my hard work in the summer holidays, Ive made rapid progress. A


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